Search: WWW (2019)

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Episode 1.
People become very honest when they're in front of the search engine.

You need to get more drunk. You're only halfway drunk and will remember all the nonsense you said just now. - Choi Bong Ki

Episode 2.
The company might see me as a shield that takes the blows, but I value myself. - Bae Ta Mi

I'm the only one who can protect myself. And I took action for that very reason. - Bae Ta Mi

On trips, you encounter people that you'll only meet once. Neither of you know who the other person is so there's no reason to kiss up to anyone. My secrets, my shame, my mistakes, my weaknesses, and even my pain... I can tell the stranger anything. You can be most honest with someone you hardly know. - Bae Ta Mi

Ta Mi: I thought I said we should never cross paths again. As strangers who know nothing about one another, let's just keep it that way.
Morgan: It's late. Besides we know too much about each other to go back to being strangers.

There's no sun for those who meet at night, just the moon. Seeking each other for drinks, spending the night together, and wondering what we are after the sun has come up is what you do in your 20s. I'm no longer interested in such emotional exhaustion. Those relationships make you even lonelier. - Bae Ta Mi

Episode 3.
Ga Gyeong: People change but their preferences stay the same.
Hyeon: Does that mean you've changed?
Ga Gyeong: I'd like to remain the same at least when I'm with you.

Episode 4.
Why do you think I do everything on purpose? The only thing I do deliberately is liking you. - Park Morgan

Even if my decision was right, it might not always lead to the best outcome. - Bae Ta Mi

Even though I believe I'm an honest man, I always keep this in mind. At least one person might think I'm a colossal jerk. - Brian

What's right and what's wrong? Is what I view right the same way with others? What I think is wrong may not be for others. - Brian

Episode 5.
Min Kyu: If I pretend it didn't happen, if I ignore it, I thought no one would know. I thought I could blot it out of my life.
Ga Gyeong: Maybe you can from your life, but not from the internet. It will show up whenever someone searches your name, and even if the original article is pulled screenshots will remain. Just when people forget, someone will upload the video. There's no right to be forgotten on the internet.

You always make me reflect on myself. - Bae Ta Mi

If you were going to stay up all night, I'd rather it be because of me. - Park Morgan

I don't know anything or have much, all I can do is stay in the rain with you. - Park Morgan

No company has the right to deprive you of yours. They say that the system can't protect us. That means it's up to us. - Jenny

I want to stop blaming myself and start blaming others. I want to stop hating myself and loathe those who deserve it. - Bae Ta Mi

Ta Mi: Just to protect her, you shoved me into the mud when I had nothing to do with it?
Jin Woo: Why not? To protect my wife, I will do anything. If anyone poses a threat to her, I'm prepared to erase that person.

Apologies don't put food on the table or turn back time. In situations like this, money's the best comfort. - Oh Jin Woo

Episode 6.
You wish to disappear, but is he someone who makes you want to stay around? - Oh Jin Woo

She seemed like someone who was capable of changing the world, but the world ended up changing her. - Cha Hyeon

Not everyone who's put in her position necessarily ends up like her. The person she is now is a result of all the choices she made for herself. - Bae Ta Mi

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