Plus Nine Boys (2014)

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It can't be explained scientifically, but these events are not coincidental. They are never coincidental.

Actually, bus no. 909 doesn't go to my home. I just want to ride the same bus with her. – Kang Jin Goo

Why can't you get the one girl you like?

She always believed in superstitions. But 8 years ago, after dad died, that belief became a religion.

You got botox on your face? Can't you smile for them? – Kang Jin Goo

Moms are all like that. They always worry for us. – Ma Se Young

When something blocks the love of your life, when you feel more nervous though you were in the same situation yesterday, that's "Plus Nine". – Kang Jin Goo

Suddenly, one day, people didn't think I was cute anymore. – Kang Dong Goo

Suddenly, one day, my dream started to drift away. – Kang Min Goo

Suddenly, one day, I had a life crisis. – Koo Gwang Soo

Suddenly, one day, I was the main character of a sad love story. – Kang Jin Goo

Suddenly, one day, I was suffering from my "Plus Nine" fate. – Kang Jin Goo

When did it start to go wrong? – Kang Jin Goo

Work is useless. Your family is the only thing worth anything in the end. – Bok Ja

There are some things we can't believe, even though we see it with our own eyes. Actually, we might just not want to believe it. – Kang Jin Goo

Most of my love life was a romantic comedy. But it feels like it'll be a sad love story from now on. – Kang Jin Goo

I need a breakthrough. – Kang Min Goo

It would've been so tough without you. – Kang Jin Goo

Not telling her is the same as lying.

I'm starting a small adventure today. Something unimaginable could happen to me. – Koo Gwang Soo

If life suddenly becomes difficult one day, suddenly, one day, hope will come to you. – Kang Jin Goo

Dong Goo: Love is wanting to hide flaws.

Min Goo: Love starts like destiny.

Jin Goo: Love plays with your heart.

Gwang Soo: Love makes you want to look back.

They say love is everywhere. But some people have a hard time even getting in the game.

I hope this small choice becomes the best decision in my life. – Koo Gwang Soo

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