Avengers Social Club/Buamdong Revengers (2017)

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Episode 1.

As long as it doesn't cost money, I like it. – Lee Soo Gyum

Would you like to get revenge with me? – Kim Jung Hye

Even if you kneel, your arms and legs will still be intact. I have self-respect. Kneeling... so what if I have to kneel a hundred times? If that was enough to hurt my self-respect, I wouldn't be able to live this long. My self-respect is for protecting what's precious to me. – Hong Do Hee

Joining together to get revenge on those who have wronged us, if we work together we'll get results faster. – Kim Jung Hye

Three is much better than two. – Kim Jung Hye

I won't regret it. – Hong Do Hee

Episode 2.

She treats me like an invisible man. – Lee Soo Gyum

We have the same objective. Isn't that enough? – Kim Jung Hye

We agreed to seek revenge together. – Kim Jung Hye

When you are such scaredy cats, what kind of revenge can we do? – Hong Do Hee

Are you dissatisfied with the world? – Lee Soo Gyum

I thought if I live my own life without doing any shameful thing, I would never have to beg others for anything. That's been my belief. But in the end, it's a matter of money. – Hong Do Hee

Anyone can be a parent, but not all people can be good parents. – Lee Mi Sook

If we're going to do revenge or whatever, then we should know something about each other. – Hong Do Hee

It's not that if only you take that thing out, he's a good person. It's because of that one thing that he's a bad person. – Hong Do Hee

You seem to be really like a sister to me. – Lee Mi Sook

I don't like that you've come to this house. However, that doesn't mean that I dislike you. Because you have done nothing wrong. I don't even know what kind of person you are. – Kim Jung Hye

Isn't my entire existence a problem for you? – Lee Soo Gyum

Do you know why I've come into this house? Revenge. I want to take revenge. – Lee Soo Gyum

Episode 3.

If I weren't born, it would have been even better. – Lee Soo Gyum

If we are bound by money, then it only takes a second for us to become monsters. – Hong Do Hee

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