Suspicious Partner (2017)

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Episode 1. Hope for the Future

The important thing is that I still love you very much. I might have made a mistake, but my feelings for you haven't changed. – Jang Hee Joon

What's the point? I've hit rock bottom. – Eun Bong Hee

I don't care who it is, I wish someone would take me away. No, I just want to disappear forever. – Eun Bong Hee

At that moment, I understood her desperation. So I did something I didn't have to do. – Noh Ji Wook

I really hate criminals, and I hate the lawyers who defend them while talking about human rights. – Noh Ji Wook

Episode 2. Hope for the Future

The curse song isn't the right way to get back at your ex-boyfriend. Just ignore him, become a better person and live a nice life. – Noh Ji Wook

When something like that happens, people usually misunderstand. "Did I make a mistake? Did I become a loser? Did I get boring? Did I do something they didn't like?" I know that feeling all too well, because I was like that too. But it's not true. We did nothing wrong. They were wrong for betraying us. – Noh Ji Wook

You're nothing more than a piece of trash from my past. – Eun Bong Hee

When I was little, I wanted to become the greater person. – Eun Bong Hee

Everyone ends up forgetting about me. – Eun Bong Hee

Episode 3. Take It

There is always a cause and an effect in every event. It's a known truth to everyone, but the problem is... this is where the problem begins, sometimes we can't find the cause. Something is definitely happening, but we can't ever find out the reason why. – Eun Bong Hee

If I can give a spoiler about my life to myself in the past, I'll tell her this: Be careful with men. Men bring nothing but trouble in your life. – Eun Bong Hee

When a man meets the wrong woman and vice versa, his life can be doomed in one blow. – Monk

I like you a lot. Even if you betrayed me, dumped me, and hurt me, I never actually wished you wrong. – Eun Bong Hee

I trust that you believe me. I trust that you're on my side. You're the only hope I have right now. – Eun Bong Hee

Please don't think of defending me as a joke. – Eun Bong Hee

Episode 4. Take It

You still can't forgive me? Then I'll beg you for forgiveness. I'll keep begging.I can't give up on you. You're the most precious person in my life. – Ji Eun Hyuk

My dad was my hero... I wanted to fulfill my dad's dream he couldn't fulfill himself. I wanted to be just like my dad. I wanted to fight against crime just like my dad did, catch as many criminals as I can, and one day die as a prosecutor. – Noh Ji Wook

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