The Producers (2015)

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Good quality work doesn't come out of thin air. – Kim Tae Ho

Don't say "sorry" so easily. We are PDs. What I mean is that you shouldn't grovel that easily. – Tak Ye Jin

Times of crisis are also an opportunity. – Ra Joon Mo

In this industry, you have to have your own back. If you're out there helping others, in the end you'll be left with nothing. – Tak Ye Jin

When a new program starts, it's like a baby's first birthday. Everyone comes out to give you blessings and you just smile for no reason. When a program is coming to an end, it's like a funeral. Especially when it's a lowly rated program, nobody shows up. There are no visitors and no money. It's very lonely. – Ra Joon Mo

01 The beginning is not the half of it. The beginning is just the beginning.

I can move on fairly quickly if I feel it's not working out. – Baek Seung Chan

02 Ultimately, it's the person who understands.

Am I the type that people get sick of easily? – Tak Ye Jin

I'm the type people get sick of. That's why it never lasts long. – Tak Ye Jin

This whole negotiation process is about convincing people who say 'no' to do it. This is like dating. You can't just push and be aggressive. Someone has to play hard-to-get. – Ra Joon Mo

Ni Ma Yi is something that's sound, serious, and lacking humor, Ssan Ma Yi is the opposite.

You know it won't work out, but you don't have the guts to break up with her. You just continue to let her drag you around. – Tak Ye Jin

You're the type men get sick of easily. You don't give the man a chance to be even curious about what you're doing. And let's say you don't reply back. Then in that moment he's going to think about you. –   Tak Ye Joon

03 Understanding Casting. It's the start of a relationship.

It's not living together; it's temporarily sharing an address. – Tak Ye Jin

He likes her, I can tell. He's trying very hard not to show it, but you can't hide those feelings no matter how hard you try. – Tak Ye Jin

Do you know what a PD should never forget until the end? It's all about the after effect. It's critical to have a mindset that's determined to pay back. Not forgetting what happened and paying back gives strength to the PDs. That way, people will see and want to work with me. Whether it's a favour or revenge, people want to work with a PD with the strength to pay back. – Tak Ye Jin

This is real variety. If you try to complicate it, it can be complicated. You don't have to try to do anything, just show yourself as you are. – Ra Joon Mo

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