That Winter The Wind Blows (2013)

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Soo: Can't I just live half-heartedly like this? Is there a need to have a reason for a person to live?

So Ra: Then, how can a person keep living without any meaning?

Everyone wants to find a reason in order to live. So in order to find that reason, some risk it all in a fleeting love. Others risk it on a moment of passion. Either way, it's all the same. All this will come to pass. – Oh Soo

In this world where people are all looking for a reason to live, I also try to look for a reason to live this dirty and lousy life. – Oh Soo

I've lived my whole life thinking I only have myself to depend on. – Oh Soo

I have nothing more to lose, so what's the harm in trusting something that could be just another lie? – Oh Soo

To live, do you have to have a grand reason? – Oh Soo

Because I'm still alive, I want to continue living. – Oh Soo

The love you give me, I don't need it. – Oh Young

If you can trust me and open your heart, I'm prepared to do whatever it takes. – Oh Soo

Am I an enemy or am I a comrade? – Moon Hee Sun

Go in front of them so they can't do that to you. – Oh Soo

If I can choose when to die, then I thought that was a perfect moment. I was happy because you came. – Oh Young

Alright, I'll be by your side. If you tell me to stay, I will always. – Oh Soo

What, I'll remember you always? You're just full of talk. – Moon Hee Sun

Your thinking that I did something to you, that's all your wild conjuring. – Secretary Wang

When someone who can protect you comes, I will end up dumped. – Secretary Wang

Please don't ever feel lonely. I am always by your side. – Atty. Jang

If there's time left for me, I want to be with you like now, having fun, living happily. – Oh Young

I don't really know how to comfort someone. – Oh Young

After we were separated when I was six, everything stood still for me. – Oh Young

Lies are always hard to match, right? – Oh Young

The good times and what I thought was happy memories, it was all about the money for you. I can't help but feel betrayed. – Oh Young

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