Introverted Boss/My Shy Boss (2017)

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Episode 1. The Phantom of the Opera
We can't change the world, and we don't need to. - Eun Hwan Ki

Anxiety stems from fear of the unfamiliar. - Park Ae Ran

Episode 2. I'm Sorry, I Cannot Apologize
It's always the weak that have to be sorry. - Uhm Sun Bong

Episode 3. I'm Not an Easygoing Person

Episode 4. I Won't Meet Anyone
Everyone struggles but they continue to power through. - Chae Won Sang

Did my revenge succeed? But why is it not gratifying at all? - Chae Ro Woon

By just watching, you can't protect anyone. - Chae Ro Woon

Episode 5. The Unspeakable Secret of 3 Years Ago
On behalf of the one who's left, I've been watching her for three years. - Eun Hwan ki

Episode 6. How Does a Person Change
Everyone around Boss must have the wrong idea about him like I did. "He's cold, difficult, and hard to approach." He probably didn't mean to come across like that. - Chae Ro Woon

Your being a mom is not the problem. The real problem is that you think of being a mom as a weakness. "As I'm just a mom, I should treat others to food. As I'm just a married woman, I should leverage my friendliness rather than my capabilities." I'm sure there are things you can do well because you're a mom. - Eun Hwan Ki

Do I have feelings for her? Do I even deserve to? - Eun Hwan Ki

Let's say giving a presentation is like asking someone out. You prepare grandiose, romantic words. You perfectly memorize them. You promise the person you'd get them even stars or the moon. Does it sound sincere? To attract the person's attention, you overdress yourself. How would it look? Instead of thinking what to say, just say what's on your mind. That's enough. Say rough but truthful words. - Eun Hwan Ki

Episode 7. The Dignity of a Supporting Role
He was a supporting role who shines brighter than the lead role.

Episode 8. Unsocial Sociability, Immanuel Kant
They don't accept him as family, but they expect more than what a family can give in return. - Eun Yi Soo

If I get closer to him, he'll run away. If I wait, he'll approach me first. - Chae Ro Woon

I didn't know you were watching everyone from behind. That's who you are. And you're good enough the way you are. - Chae Ro Woon

Episode 9. If You Listen
Only my secrets are found by you. You see through me. Why can't I see who you are? - Kang Woo Il

Would it be okay for me to stay by her side if I keep this distance? - Eun Hwan Ki

Everyone says you should be confident so easily, but that's only possible when you have someone listening. - Kim Gyo Ri

The reason why he has always been so quiet wasn't because he didn't want to talk. He probably wanted to listen. - Chae Ro Woon

Episode 10. The Pointless Yet Most Helpful Confession
At first I wanted to open this door by all means. At some point, I started to wait in front of the door instead of knocking on it. I thought it was okay even if the door was closed sometimes. I hoped the door would open someday. And finally, unexpectedly, he opened the door from the inside. - Chae Ro Woon

If you want her back, don't hesitate too long. Look at me. Hitting on someone too late doesn't work so well. - Seo Yun Jeong

I know you don't see me as a woman. That's why I have to try harder. - Eun Yi Soo

I've never liked being called Boss. I didn't think I deserved the title. - Eun Hwan Ki

"Trust me and stay by my side." I didn't think I deserved to ask anyone to stay beside me. - Eun Hwan Ki

I think I opened a door I shouldn't have opened. - Chae Ro Woon

Episode 11. The Tall Shadow of Mr. Smith
After opening all the doors towards me, he looked at me. - Chae Ro Woon

You were trying to take revenge, and now you're in love. This is too conventional. - Reporter Woo

He was always watching over me. When I thought I was alone, he was somewhere in the dark within the crowd. When I look at it now, he was just a few steps behind. And I always thought I was alone. More than that, he was right here beside me. - Chae Ro Woon

Isn't the reason you've been keeping your mouth shut because no one listened to you? I can be a good listener. - Seo Yun Jeong

You were not just watching. Now that I look back on it, you were protecting me. - Chae Ro Woon

The part of you I don't know about must be much nicer than the part of you I know. - Chae Ro Woon

Episode 12. The Difficulty of Doing Nothing

Episode 13. Confession / Go Back
It's difficult on your part, but being able to sense what others can't is a huge strength. - Eun Hwan Ki

Hwan Ki: Let's continue to be friends.
Yun Jeong: No, what I'm saying is you shouldn't draw a line because you never know what can happen.

Hwan Ki is like that. It just feels impossible to get close to him. When you think you know him, he becomes a different person. Loving someone like him is not easy. - Seo Yun Jeong

Episode 14. My Funny Valentine
You might have been the one who took out the gun, but I must have been the one who pulled the trigger. - Eun Yi Soo

I know that there are still many things that we need to overcome, but can we do it together? We already have so many obstacles. Let's not shut each other out. - Chae Ro Woon

Episode 15. A Reason Bigger Than 99 Other Reasons
Why is it that there are so many reasons why we can't be together? - Eun Hwan Ki

If a guy is mean to you nine times and he's nice once, you're moved. If a guy's good to you nine times and makes a mistake once, you say that he changed. Do girls have problem counting? - Reporter Woo

I know it will never work between us, but I can't help looking at him. - Chae Ji Hye

Don't tell me you believe being manly means being cold on purpose. That's just pathetic. - Dang Yoo Hee

Until now, you always ran to ke. You trust me having no idea what I'd done. After finding out, you forgave me right away. You can lock yourself up now. Just like you did, I'll knock on the door, look into the room, and try to drag you out. - Eun Hwan Ki

Ro Woon: It's just like three years ago. I shout my heart out, but no one listens.
Hwan Ki: One thing has changed. You're not alone anymore.

Episode 16. It's Okay to Be Introvert
Why do you want only your voice be heard? You silence other people's voices. All you care about is if your voice is heard. - Eun Hwan Ki

Don't get stuck like me. Go out to the wide world. Live with people who recognize your worth. Live with a smile, not tears. - Chae Won Sang

You turn me into an ordinary person. You look into me and try to bring the real me out. - Eun Hwan Ki

I have been alone until I met you. I always stayed at the same place, hesitating. But you made me run. You ran towards me without hesitation. You opened my heart that had been shut and took me out. - Eun Hwan Ki

To me, love is not hesitating or thinking what to do. It's not something you do with your head. You have to dive into it like a crazy person. - Chae Ro Woon

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