Modern Farmer (2014)

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"Remember, life is better to burn out than fade away." – Kurt Cobain

Until when are you going to live like that? Don't you think it's time you get a grip? – Yoo Han Chul

I can never give up just for what I've been through so far. I will definitely succeed. – Lee Min Ki

From my perspective, you are either a genius or a fool. – Seung Chul

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. – Kang Yoon Hee

This is my grandma. With the most generous face in the world, she boasts spiteful and harsh remarks. She doesn't have to be criticized anymore, but it'd be nice if she lived longer. – Lee Min Ki

You've been torturing me so much until now, and now you let me win a lotto. Thank you, God. – Lee Min Ki

Finally, I see a light in my life. – Lee Min Ki

You are always like this. You always find a way out and think of fleeing at any moment. You've never put everything on the line before. – Lee Min Ki

That just took all my trust. – Han Ki Joon

With hope just as small as this fingernail, rather than living like a curled up worm in Seoul, I'll live my life dreaming even if it's for one day. – Lee Min Ki

Why does it have to be me? I gave up everything I wanted and did as I was told. Why? – Yoo Han Chul

"Are you crazy? Do you really want to die?"

Han Chul: I'm not crazy because I want to die. I'm crazy because I don't want to die, asshole.

I don't know if it's the stairway to heaven or to hell, but let's just go. Let's just do it. What's there in life? – Lee Min Ki

Han Yoo Na! I'll be back with a 100 carat diamond ring. Wait for me! From MK. – Lee Min Ki

Will you get lost while I'm being nice or will you get lost crying after I beat you up? – Lee Min Ki

Do you have dementia? Don't you remember what you did to us? – Lee Min Ki

How can I bug off? I'm not even a bug. – Kang Hyuk

Our fateful love started like that. However, as it often happens with first love, our love didn't last. – Lee Min Ki

Will I die without ever falling in love? I didn't even date and just worked my ass off. Why does it have to be me? – Yoo Han Chul

Don't give up without even trying. – Kang Hyuk

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