Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol (2020)

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Episode 1. Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol
In my moment of despair, my dad's voice rang out telling me that it's okay to make mistakes and that I did a good job. It brightened my heart like a ray of light. After that I always thought of my dad when I played the piano. - Goo Ra Ra

In this Era of diversity, please don't undermine my goals. - Goo Ra Ra

Episode 2. Pianist Patient
They say that shared sorrow is half a sorrow. But in my point of view, once it's shared it can distress the other person and make them feel uncomfortable. - Kim Si Ah

When you're sad, when you're happy, and even when you're depressed because life's miserable, just play the piano. It will cheer you up. That's what music and the piano can do. - Gong Mi Sook

Being poor is terrifying. Being poor leads to many obstacles. - Goo Ra Ra

Episode 3. Da Capo
For 20 years, the piano was a part of you. It's not something you can forget. Those are memories that can't be just thrown away because they define you. - Sunwoo Jun

Episode 4. Lala Piano Land
I guess in life, you can't avoid everything that might be bad for you. - Goo Ra Ra

I'll be your first student. - Sunwoo Jun

Episode 5. Night and Dreams
Can you not say goodbye when you leave? - Sunwoo Jun

Ra Ra: It's hard enough for us to carry our burdens. So it's exhausting to worry and waste time on others as well.
Jun: You can share your worries with me. Because it's you.

I had one before but not anymore. In order to dream, you need to look back on your past, be aware of your present, and imagine your future. But I don't want to think of any of them. - Sunwoo Jun

You should just cry when you're sad. Cry all you want and start over again. Cry and let it all out today so you can start over tomorrow. - Goo Ra Ra

Episode 6. Secrets and Lies
What you're doing is deception. You're telling lies and hiding the truth to fool someone. It's more hurtful than anything else. It destroys one's good faith in the world. - Cha Eun Seok

How would you feel if I suddenly disappeared someday? - Sunwoo Jun

Don't disappear. Stay by my side. - Goo Ra Ra

I won't disappear. I'll be by your side. - Sunwoo Jun

Episode 7. You are So Special

Episode 8. Pleasure of Love
One day, I suddenly thought about what I wanted in life. That's when I had the desire to cut ties with everyone around me. - Cha Eun Seok

The happiness of love is long gone and only sadness is left behind forever.

I tried my best not to like you, but I do. I was all depressed, then one day joy came to me. And that was you. Thank you for coming to me. - Sunwoo Jun

Episode 9. The Night of Thunder
You feel hurt and upset when others don't trust you. It's even more unbearable when you have to lie to someone who trusts you and hide the truth from them. - Kim Man Bok

Episode 10.  Who are You?
Maybe I became this strong and tough because thanks to my dad's applause that day. - Goo Ra Ra

You see, everyone has things they couldn't say because the timing wasn't right. They just bottle them up. - Cha Eun Seok

In the end, I had to say goodbye to you without hearing any explanation. - Goo Ra Ra

Episode 11. Reunion
In the end, I had to say goodbye to you without a chance to tell you anything. - Sunwoo Jun

You may not have known his background, but you know him very well. That he may act tough, but he has a soft heart. That he can smile although he always pretends to be angry. That he may seem cold but he's warm-hearted. - Kim Man Bok

If you're meant to be, destiny will find its way to bring you back together. - Kim Man Bok

She forgot my face and name and this music was the last memory she had. But I wasn't sad at all, because I was part of the music. - Kim Man Bok

Episode 12. Hochzeitsmarsch (Wedding March)
I practiced and practiced what to say to him as my last goodbye, but I could never say it out loud. - Goo Ra Ra

I guess in life, there are times when you must give up the things you cherish. - Goo Ra Ra

Episode 13. Romance without Words

Episode 14. Una Furtiva Lagrima (A Furtive Tear)
I don't like you anymore. I wish you all the best. Forget a jerk like me. - Sunwoo Jun

Episode 15. Tristesse (Farewell)
Dear Mr. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, thank you for making all my rough days shine brightly. I know you fell out of love and left me, but I still like you. I still want you. - Goo Ra Ra

How could I ever forget you? Remember what you told me? The time we spent together defined me. I could never just throw those memories away. - Goo Ra Ra

If you endure the tough times, you will reap the fruits of your labor.

Episode 16. Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol
That summer when I was 19 and felt so lost, you gave me comfort and rest. And your music welcomed me when I was weary. And whenever I was in pain or things were difficult, I thought about that summer. And all the happy moments we spent together helped me live again. My Ra Ra who sparkles even in the darkest of times, I love you. - Sunwoo Jun

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