It's Okay To Not Be Okay (2020)

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Chapter 1. The Boy Who Fed on Nightmares
In all my fairy tales, the witch is always the one that's pretty. Who told you all princesses are kind and pretty? - Ko Mun Yeong

She hates everyone apart from herself. - Lee Sang In

Who cares about destiny? If someone shows up when you need them, you call that destiny. - Ko Mun Yeong

My father's soul is dead, but he's physically alive like a zombie. - Ko Mun Yeong

Hurtful, painful memories, memories of deep regret, memories of hurting others and being hurt, memories of being abandoned, only those with such memories buried in their hearts can become stronger, more passionate, and emotionally flexible. And only those can attain happiness. So don't forget any of it. Remember it all and overcome it. If you don't overcome it, you'll always be a kid whose soul never grows.

You remind me of someone I used to know. Someone who's messed up and has no conscience. A woman whose eyes completely lacked warmth. - Moon Gang Tae

Chapter 2. The Lady in Red Shoes
He never builds deep relationships. He'll leave eventually anyway so he thinks it's pointless to build a relationship that will last only a year. - Jo Jae Su

I want you to be my safety pin. Keep me under control so I won't explode. - Ko Mun Yeong

There's something we always say to patients who recover. "Hope I never see you again." - Moon Gang Tae

You're not avoiding me. You're just running away because you're scared. Coward. - Ko Mun Yeong

I thought I was on the run because of my brother, the butterflies and all. I thought we were being chased by something that doesn't even exist. But today, for the first time, I suddenly thought maybe I was just running away because I wanted to. You see, when life is unbearably hard the easiest way out is to run. - Moon Gang Tae

Some things can't be torn apart no matter how hard you try to do so.

Chapter 3. Sleeping Witch
How can you define a relationship in just one word? Every encounter we've had was awfully dramatic, being an inch away from death. Every moment we crossed paths, we surprised each other. If such coincidences, one after another, somehow led us here, how would you define our relationship? It'd be such a cliche to say that we're destined for each other. - Ko Mun Yeong

A fairy tale is a cruel fantasy that illustrates the brutality and violence of this world in a paradoxical manner. It isn't a hallucinogen that gives us hope and dreams. It's a stimulant that makes us face reality. So I hope you read a lot of fairy tales and wake up from your dreams. - Ko Mun Yeong

Don't look up at the stars on the beautiful night sky. Look down at your feet that are stuck in a filthy sewer. The moment you realize that and accept your reality, everybody be happy. - Ko Mun Yeong

To an autistic person, family members are like close strangers. - Moon Sang Tae

Chapter 4. Zombie Kid
Do children have to be useful to their parents? - Moon Gang Tae

Chapter 5. Rapunzel and the Cursed Castle
You're not the zombie kid either. The kid who had no emotions. All he had was the desire to eat. But what do you think he really wanted, satiating his hunger r feeling someone's warmth? Warmth—this is what he truly wanted. He didn't want to be just fed. - Moon Gang Tae

Your lies carry a sense of sincerity. It makes me want to believe them. - Ko Mun Yeong

Sang Tae is always looking at my face. He studies my face to figure out my mood. Even when I'm in unbearable pain and extremely devastated, my brother believes that I'm happy if I force myself to smile. All I care about is what my brother thinks. It's fine even if it's fake. Putting on a smile isn't so hard to do. - Moon Gang Tae

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