Meloholic (2017)

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Episode 1.

You do not know how women think at all. - Baek Seol Ah

If I knew you well, you wouldn't have left me like this. - Yoo Eun Ho

What did I do wrong? What's wrong with not knowing how women think? Is that such a big crime? How would I know what you think? I can't see or hear what you're thinking. How would I know? - Yoo Eun Ho

Whenever I touch someone, I can hear the person's thoughts. - Yoo Eun Ho

It only works on women. - Yoo Eun Ho

Seol Ah: You can't learn about love from textbooks.

Eun Ho: What's wrong with trying my best?

It's like a miracle to be able to like somebody. It's right to like somebody with everything you have. - Han Ye Ri

How can it be a gift when I even see things I don't want to? - Yoo Eun Ho

She needs to have four qualities. She must not pretend, put on an innocent face, and lie. And she must be unpredictable. Simply put, I'll date only if I can fall in love with her soul. - Yoo Eun Ho

Episode 2.

Love is all about timing. You need to watch for the chance when she feels tired and weak. Then, make her feel as if she's become someone special. Such illusions help people fall in love easily. - Yoo Eun Ho

Did you read novels from the internet all night? Get a hold of yourself. - Kim Joo Seung

I keep telling you there's no such woman who doesn't lie. - Kim Joo Seung

You need to tell me if you don't love me anymore or if you have someone else so that I can move on. We started this together, so why do you end this on your own? - Han Ye Ri

When you're breaking up with someone you once loved, you should meet her and talk to her. That's the least you can do when breaking up. - Han Ye Ri

Why do you cling to a man like that? Don't you have any self-esteem? - Han Ye Ri

You don't cry because you're weak. You cry so that you can survive. It's alright for you to cry. You need to cry to shake things off. - Yoo Eun Ho

Episode 3.

Girls' NO does not mean YES. When girls say NO, it means NO. When girls say YES, it means YES. I don't pretend like I'm innocent. I never pretend to be naive around men. I hate lying or playing innocent. - Han Ye Ri

She has the soul that I can fall in love with. - Yoo Eun Ho

People say the world looks better when they're in love. That's what dopamine does. When people are in love, they think they can do anything. - Kim Joo Seung

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