It's Okay, That's Love (2014)

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Look at that face of his. I bet he knows how to use his looks too. – Ji Hae Soo

Let's just live happily in peace. Love breeds more love. – Jo Dong Min

I guess you want me to go, since you're giving me short answers. – Lee Pul Yip

I'm expecting a heated debate, but you're so pretty and I'm afraid you'll be a distraction. – Jang Jae Yeol

It's a story of how there's a very fine line that is drawn between basic good and evil in humanity. – Jang Jae Yeol

You're not a writer; you're just a book salesman. – Ji Hae Soo

When things in life get difficult for us, we think there's no way for us to survive in this world. But as a psychiatrist, I will adamantly tell you that it isn't true. There is always hope, even in the bleakest moments. – Ji Hae Soo

Oxytocin, which is a chemical a human being produces when they're in love, has never been produced in that woman's body in her life. She's way too uptight for that. I can guarantee it. – Jang Jae Yeol

He's nothing but a narcissist who thinks that the sun revolves around him. – Ji Hae Soo

That's right, I'm a doctor who heals people with wounded hearts but my own heart was wounded, so I sought some counselling. What are you going to do about it? Just because you treat cancer patients, are you exempted from getting cancer yourself? And just because you treat people with cold, are you exempted from catching a cold yourself? And neuro, are you exempted from brain tumors? – Jo Dong Min

Does it make you happy to aggravate and poke fun at someone else's pain? – Jo Dong Min

Don't disappoint me by just leaving like this. – Jang Jae Yeol

We're running out of road and I'm too tired to keep this up. – Jang Jae Yeol

The rest of the women in this world need to know what a gentleman I really am. – Jang Jae Yeol

Just get to the point. You don't have one? Then I'm hanging up. – Ji Hae Soo

How dare you yell at her as if your suffering is greater than hers? – Young Jin

I give as much as I'm given. If someone smiles at me, then I smile back. And if someone gives me crap, then I give it right back. – Jang Jae Yeol

I was wondering when it'll be the end for us, and this is how it ends. – Jang Jae Yeol

You're doing a good job hiding your lack of shame behind a wall of cocky confidence. You almost had me fooled. – Jang Jae Yeol

"The desperation could be felt right down to the bones. Freeing her from her state of torment and agony is the only thing I can do for her now."

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