Signal (2016)

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If something goes wrong, I will take full responsibility. – Cha Soo Hyun

I can't let it end like this. – Park Hae Young

I think it's worth a try. – Park Hae Young

Hae Young: What do you think it would be like if you could get to communicate with the past?

Soo Hyun: I would ask someone to protect a person important to me.

If I do nothing, I'd regret it too. Isn't it better to try something even if it becomes a mess? – Cha Soo Hyun

The past can be changed. Don't ever give up.

Cold cases are all about finding what past detectives missed. – Cha Soo Hyun

You can't ever let emotions cloud your view. Don't let your emotions get the best of you. – Cha Soo Hyun

I'm going to turn things back to before... if I still have a chance. – Park Hae Young

We can catch the killer and save people.

I would do anything for my son. – Lee Chun Goo

If I'm choosy about facing men and women, I should turn in my badge right now. – Cha Soo Hyun

If you don't trust me, don't ask me to do it. – Kim Gye Chul

They didn't pass away in the arms of their loved ones. They died on the cold ground shaking in horror. – Park Hae Young

Crying can be a good method. Just find a good way to get over it, whatever it is. – Lee Jae Han

We must really be the aces. – Kim Gye Chul

If the past changes, the present will change.

It's dangerous to change the past too carelessly.

Once a garbage, always a garbage. – Kim Bum Joo

I did everything wrong. Everything is ruined because of me. These transmissions never should have started. – Lee Jae Han

If I had been by her side, I could have saved her life. – Oh Kyung Tae

We ruined everything, so we must put everything back in place.

I can change the future. – Lee Jae Han

It was you who couldn't do anything despite being by her side. – Ahn Chi Soo

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