Descendants of the Sun (2016)

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I doubt they'll give up that easily. – Seo Dae Young

I came here as a warrior. I should go back in the same way. – Senior Lieutenant Ahn Jung Joon

You should meet a good mentor if you want to be an athlete. – Seo Dae Young

Medical art is, above all things, a humanitarian calling.

It must be very difficult for you to avoid me, but you're looking pretty good. – Yoon Myeong Ju

My reasons are not what you think. I hope you wouldn't think I left for your sake. I had a change of heart. I do not have the skills to explain the thing of the heart. – Seo Dae Young

I will never take your salute. – Yoon Myeong Ju

We learn to get beat up first before we learn to hit others. – Seo Dae Young

It felt great to have someone to wait for. – Yoo Si Jin

This is the most exciting moment of my life. I'm with a beautiful lady and the lights are about to go off. – Yoo Si Jin

What I want to hear is an explanation not an apology. – Kang Mo Yeon

The reason we do what we do is because it must be done. My family and I, your family and you, and everyone we hold dear, I believe that I fight for the peace and freedom of the land we live on. – Yoo Si Jin

I believe life is sanctified, and that no value or ideology is above it. – Kang Mo Yeon

Go easy and all will be well. Avoid hard work. – Captain Yoo Si Jin's Motto

Who knows? My life could change again in an instant. – Kang Mo Yeon

Dae Young: I guess you two weren't meant to just pass by each other.

Si Jin: I think we're bumping into each other as we pass by.

He is a real soldier. That is why I love him. That is why I can't let him go. – Yoon Myeong Ju

I didn't give up so you could date guys like him. – Yoo Si Jin

You seem like a different person than the person I used to know. – Yoo Si Jin

I don't care for your medical jargon. Tell me, can you save him? – Yoo Si Jin

You do your job, the doctor will save her patient, and I will protect what I have to. – Yoo Si Jin

Why did you do something you must apologize for? – Park Byung Soo

Asian Dramas & QuotesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora