Goodbye to Goodbye (2018)

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Episode 1.
I don't care who you choose to be with, but I won't let anyone take you away from me. That is my punishment to you. - Seo Young Hee

Episode 2.
You can't do anything alone in your life. At least for women, marriage is like that. All you have left is the past. You don't have the present or the future. You just live breathing. You just end up cutting yourself down. That's marriage. - Seo Young Hee

It changes. Everything, except women, will change. In the end, women who never change will be left alone. - Seo Young Hee

Men create an illusion with their lies, but women believe those lies to be true. - Seo Young Hee

I've become pretty used to him. If I become all by myself, I'll be sad. - Jung Hyo

Live alone, and no one will force their opinion on you. It's much better to live alone just like that. - Seo Young Hee

Episode 3.
I'm not the only one responsible, so we should divide the blame. - Jung Hyo

Episode 4.
That's how you lived too! You've been living that way. You've lived your life having kids here and there. Why is it okay for you but wrong for me? I don't want to live like you! - Han Min Soo

Episode 5.
A woman's educational background and work experience are only a sacrifice for marriage. The moment she gets married and give birth, everything she has accomplished in the past disappears. Men do not consider taking care of children as an economic activity. Women who become mothers turn into kind and patient pushovers. Because they want to give their children the nicest things possible, they naturally endure raising children alone. The moment a baby is born, a woman's time ends forever. - Seo Young Hee

Do people with power have the right to ignore the rules and other people's rights? - Kim Se Young

A man's clothing is like an armor. You can intimidate someone just with the clothes you wear. - Han Sang Jin

Pain and hatred exist because of love. I don't love my husband. That's why there is no pain, no hatred, and no memories. - Seo Young Hee

Episode 6.
Do you want to have the same life as others once you have a child, or do you want to give up the child for the life you want? - Seo Young Hee

Episode 9.
Why are you locking yourself up? Why are you making it hard for people to look for you? This is like a prison. Why do you lock yourself in prison when you have done nothing wrong? - Jung Hyo

If this place can't protect us anymore, we should go somewhere safer. - Seo Young Hee

Episode 10.
Young Hee: All people say they're doing fine even though they are afraid and scared.
Jung Hyo: I'm not scared. I just don't have the courage. I don't know what decision to make and how to face him.

You're just like me. You're holding on to someone who already left you. - Jung Hyo

You must not confuse hatred and guilt for life. - Seo Young Hee

Episode 11.
I feel sorry for you. You're too young to give up your life. You should have your own time more. - Seo Young Hee

When you become a mother, you become obsessed with making memories only for your family. Your own happy memories disappear. - Seo Young Hee

Obsession. That's a really scary thing, especially when motherhood and betrayal are mixed. - Han Min Soo

No one cares about your life. The mother's role is the only thing everyone talks about. "Your husband works hard outside," "The father earns money hard outside." Those remarks are heard like a spell that hypnotizes women. A spell which says, "I should live as a mother." - Seo Young Hee

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