Chief Kim/ Good Manager (2017)

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Episode 1.

Efforts are efforts. Results are results.

Whoever draws the gun first wins. You draw yours too late, so don't whine. – Seo Yul

What do you think is the most beautiful value? Sharing. – Kim Sung Ryeong

Guess what the worst part of continuous defeat is. Getting used to losing. Get used to that and you forget how to win. – Seo Yul

Episode 2.

Dong Hoon: At least you know how to win.

Yul: So what? The people above tell me to lose.

I'd rather come out a trash than pretend I'm not. I don't want to rationalize being a coward and live comfortably. – Seo Yul

When a woman says no, you should stop. – Choo Nam Ho

People like you love me, don't you? – Seo Yul

You can pocket whatever you want. Just don't get caught. – Seo Yul

Each morning before I leave home for work, I take out my guts and put them in the fridge. I get upset every single day, but what can we do? We have to make a living. – Choo Nam Ho

I think I reached my limit. I'm not sure how much longer I'll last. I really want to do something meaningful. – Yoon Ha Kyung

Episode 3.

People are busy looking out for themselves. – Lee Jae Joon

I'll start getting them on my side one by one. – Kim Sung Ryeong

He was born with the talent of fidgeting with money. – Seo Yul

If you were going to make her suffer all her life, why did you stay with her? – Kim Sung Ryeong

You kept getting stabbed in the back, but you only cared about being good. You had absolutely nothing. I won't live like you. Why would I? I'll be heartless and not care about anyone else. – Kim Sung Ryeong

The rule is to end it once you take the money. – Kim Sung Ryeong

I asked you for help to uncover the truth. We need to gather solid proof to flip the tables on them. – Jang Yoo Sun

I need to be crazy first in this crazy world to win. – Kim Sung Ryeong

I'm afraid of them too, but I'm more afraid of the truth being buried. And there will be more victims in the future. – Jang Yoo Sun

Episode 4.

The fearless die early and the fearful live long lives. – Seo Yul

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