Shooting Stars (2022)

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Episode 1. The Most Pointless Thing in the Word
There are times when you want to do so well so bad you only see what's right ahead. - Oh Han Byeol

I won't let you go when I get back. - Gong Sung Tae

Episode 2. The War of Shooting Stars
You seem to be in a good mood. That puts me in a bad mood. - Gong Sung Tae

Han Byeol: How much longer will you hold that grudge? I apologized to you at least a thousand times. It's been six years!
Sung Tae: Some wounds never heal even after six, sixty, or six hundred years.

I realized this after spending many years on the job. Everyone has their place. - Kang Yoo Sung

I'll make you go crazy out of curiosity. - Gong Sung Tae

Episode 3. Are you in pain? So am I!

Episode 4. Shh! Do not Upset Them
I hope that passion lasts for a long time. - Oh Han Byeol

There are times when you'd rather get cursed at than be spoken to politely. - Yoo Gwi Nong

I make things harder for myself, don't I? - Oh Han Byeol

Shall I introduce you to a good lawyer? Me. - Do Soo Hyuk

Episode 5. Rumors. What You Want to Believe
I'm sure you've experience something like that too, being misunderstood and hurt over something that wasn't true. You're lucky if you have a chance to clear that up, but most people aren't interested in the truth. They just casually gossip to entertain themselves. No one takes responsibility for the pain caused. - Oh Han Byeol

There's this guy whom I thought only cared about himself. - Oh Han Byeol

Han Byeol: "What's the most dramatic moment in your life?"
Tae Sung. How weird. You were part of them all.

Stay there. Don't go anywhere. - Gong Sung Tae

Episode 6. Dramatic
I'm in trouble. I'm so curious about her. It's driving me crazy. - Gong Sung Tae

I was reminded again that when work and dating overlap, I'm the one who ends up getting hurt. - Cho Ki Ppeum

You draw a clear line, which is why you can't date. - Cho Ki Ppeum

Episode 7. If I Confess
I like someone. I wanted to tell you first. If you hear who it is you will be shocked. - Gong Sung Tae

I'm not sure if I felt butterflies because I was surprised or because I was interested in him. - Oh Han Byeol

I wanted to tell her how I felt but I kept failing. - Gong Sung Tae

You were mad fierce cute. - Gong Sung Tae

Episode 8. Rules of Kissing
I was lonely but now I have two guys who have lined up to go out with me. Gosh, I've hit the jackpot—not. - Oh Han Byeol

I hate that I'm acting like this too. - Gong Sung Tae

Episode 9. A Star's Lover
Yuna: Do you want to kiss?
Jae Hyun: No.
Yuna: No one has ever said no to me. Why not?
Jae Hyun: We're not dating.
Yuna: Then let's date. Today is our first day.

I want to make you feel butterflies, not uncomfortable. - Do Soo Hyuk

I'm not a star in the sky. I'm a person whose feet are on the ground. - Do Soo Hyuk

While spending all this time with him, I thought I was special to him. Whenever he was with me, he never acted like a top star nor did he act fake. I thought he just acted like a normal guy. But I found out I was mistaken three years ago. I was so embarrassed I wanted to die. I couldn't believe I developed such feelings for a celebrity. I was so embarrassed I couldn't tell anyone and I had to suffer through in on my own. - Oh Han Byeol

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