Jealousy Incarnate (2016)

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Episode 1.

Don't take your clothes off before a man. That's what men do. – Pyo Chi Yeol

That's someone else's feelings I have no responsibility for. Do you expect me to remember it for three years? – Lee Hwa Shin

You'd do anything to climb the ladder of success, too. – Choi Dong Gi

Do you know how cruel apathy is? Do you know how scary it is? It makes me feel like I'm invisible. – Pyo Na Ri

My face will wear out. Stop staring at it. – Lee Hwa Shin

Do you still like me? That's what I fear the most. – Lee Hwa Shin

Episode 2.

Do you still like me? I don't like girls like you. I hate girls like you... I mean, easy girls. – Lee Hwa Shin

Don't be mistaken. I don't like you anymore. That crush ended three years ago. I'm not interested in you anymore. – Pyo Na Ri

Why do you make my heart race? Why do you make my heart flutter? – Lee Hwa Shin

Episode 3.

I'm businessman, so I don't take losses unless it's for a friend or a girlfriend. – Ko Jung Won

You should find someone better than me. – Lee Hwa Shin

Episode 4.

He was the only one who was a man to me at our station. I never considered any other man as a man. – Pyo Na Ri

Whether or not I kiss someone is up to me, not you. – Pyo Na Ri

You may think I'm crazy, but ending a three-year-long crush without ever holding hands is just as crazy in my book. It's because I did nothing that I couldn't end it and held on until now. Nothing's holding me back now. – Pyo Na Ri

You shouldn't toy with a woman's feelings. – Pyo Na Ri

I lost all feelings for you. – Pyo Na Ri

Can't I see her in this dress and then decide whether it's cheating, pity, sympathy, or just meddling in other's affairs? – Ko Jung Won

Let's call it cheating. I think I'm cheating. – Ko Jung Won

Episode 5.

I need to date someone that's more like a friend. – Ko Jung Won

If you keep avoiding trouble, you'll lose an opportunity. – Ko Jung Won

Why were you so quick to push me away? – Ko Jung Won

When the three of us were sharing an umbrella in Thailand, when there was thunder and lighting, you didn't hold onto me. I was the one who pulled you towards me. – Ko Jung Won

You can't stop liking someone just like that. – Lee Hwa Shin

I guess you could still be heartbroken even though it has always been a one-sided love. – Lee Hwa Shin

Episode 6.
I'm not the girl in a one-sided love with you anymore. – Pyo Na Ri

Why would I be in a one-sided love with you? I wouldn't even do it if we were both in it together, so why? – Lee Hwa Shin

I want to be on the receiving end for once too! I'm a woman too! – Pyo Na Ri

If you had good taste in men, you never would have liked me. – Lee Hwa Shin

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