Hi Bye, Mama! (2020)

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Episode 1. Life is Full of Unpredictable Surprises
It only took us three seconds to see each other and fall in love. Love approached us at an unexpected moment, pretending to be something ordinary. As if mocking that short moment, our love lasted years. During that long time together, we believed that our destiny was invincible. But life didn't turn out the way we wanted. And no one expected our parting. - Cha Yu Ri

Episode 2. Forgotten Season
Everyone passes through a tunnel of darkness in life. A long tunnel that makes you think that you may never see light again. But as there are no tunnels without exits, there is not eternal love or eternal pain in the world. - Cho Gang Hwa

I was living silently in someone's forgotten season. But in this world, nothing is forgotten forever. - Cho Gang Hwa

Episode 3. Realizing the Beauty of Life is Only Possible After Death
Perhaps the most beautiful thing we can feel in our lives is telling someone that we love them and thanking someone whom we're grateful for. I realized that it's a great joy to give and that you end up feeling sorry if you always receive. I came to this realization after my death through those people whom I love. - Cha Yu Ri

Episode 4. There is Nothing that Won't Happen to Me
Nobody is born with the knowledge of their final day in this world. Countless deaths pass us by in life, but if it isn't happening to me now it's considered to be someone else's heartbreaking drama. - Cha Yu Ri

A woman who lost her husband is a widow. A man who lost his wife is called widower. And a kid who lost his parents is called an orphan. But there's no word for a parent who lost their child. It's because no word can describe it. There's no word in this world that can describe the excruciating pain. - Mi Dong

Episode 5. Every Moment When Chance Turns into Fate
There are some moments when a chance you experience grows into a huge thing called fate. - Oh Min Jeong

Once a human or a ghost starts to get greedy, it's endless. - Cha Yu Ri

We always say that time flies by, but when we look back nothing stays the same. - Go Hyun Jung

Episode 6. Even in the Face of Death, Family is Still My Number One
I thought death was just about leaving this life after making the most of the time God has given me. But I realized this after my death. My life was not entirely mine. - Cha Yu Ri

Only after they died, they realized what matters in life. - Mi Dong

"You're still a doctor." But isn't a doctor human too? - Doctor Jang

Even in the face of death, there is something that doesn't let you think only of yourself. It's family. - Cha Yu Ri

Episode 7. Where Flower Blooms and Falls
Among the countless people in the world, we build relationships with certain people and settle down. I was also blooming like a flower among the people who surrounded me. I thought my flower had bloomed firmly and strongly, but it disappeared too quickly. - Cha Yu Ri

You must be the judge of your own life. What's the point of getting acknowledged by the world and other people? - Jung Gwi Soon

Since my beloved family isn't in this world, I will fly up to them. - Jang Pil Seung

There is no flower in this world that blooms without a meaning. In this world where I bloomed and fell, other flowers of mine were starting to bloom. - Cha Yu Ri

Episode 8. People Who Can't Say Goodbye
A life enters deep into our lives, then it suddenly leaves us laughing at the times we spent together. That's called parting. At this moment of parting, someone will face the sorrow that's pouring in as they face the reality. Some may turn a blind eye to the grief to protect themselves and to survive from this unbearable parting. However, turning a blind eye, passing of time, or all the other things you are trying cannot help you overcome this sadness. - Cho Gang Hwa

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