Beautiful Gong Shim (2016)

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Episode 1.

Are these people brain-dead? How can you link arms on a narrow street like this? – Gong Shim

How can a sister say that? She's worse than a stranger. Shouldn't she be upset for me? – Gong Shim

People in law must be cold and fair when dealing with cases. – Gong Hyuk

Because I can stand in the way of her success, I, the unworthy sister, should stay quiet and step aside even if I was treated unfairly. Is that what you're saying? – Gong Shim

Stop pretending to care about me. You only care about yourself. – Gong Shim

How can they be ashamed of me when I'm their family? But do you know what's more ridiculous? Honestly, I'm ashamed of myself, too. – Gong Shim

Episode 2.

If I sacrifice myself, it's better for everyone. I'm used to it anyway. – Gong Shim

Is it fun to make fun of other people's looks? – Gong Shim

There's no such thing as 100% fail. We all have possibilities. – Seok Joon Soo

Episode 3.

If you're sorry, don't ever leave me like that. – Ahn Dan Tae

Don't ever give up. However difficult it may be or whatever happens, you're not going to give up. – Gong Shim

No one can keep secrets when they are drunk. – Gong Shim

Do you know what my biggest fault is? It's my ugly face. – Gong Shim

I have pride too, but I couldn't say anything. Nothing came out of my mouth. – Gong Shim

He was not protected by the law because he was poor and powerless. – Cheon Ji Won

Episode 4.

I was curious about you since the first time we met. – Ahn Dan Tae

The speed that we're walking right now is andante in music. – Ahn Dan Tae

My secret is that I can see things moving fast in slow motion. It's called dynamic visual acuity. – Ahn Dan Tae

Not dressing up looks best on you. – Ahn Dan Tae

Well, I still hope good things will happen to you. – Ahn Dan Tae

To me, the prettiest woman in the world is you. – Ahn Dan Tae

Episode 5.

If you compare yourself to a sprinter, I'm more like a marathon runner. I take my time. I pace myself and finish it until the end. – Seok Joon Soo

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