Age of Youth (2016)

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Episode 1. Fear of Being on the Brink of a New Beginning #Slipper

You have to pack that one thing, the most important thing. It's self-confidence, of course! You'll probably be stressed having to get used to new friends and a new semester. What if I'm too awkward? What if someone notices that I'm awkward? I'm sure there are many people who struggle with such thoughts. However, it's important that you keep your head high at times like this and that you walk into this new part of your life with confidence.

Every time I have to face new situations, I have a nightmare. To me, new things make me anxious rather than excited. – Yoo Eun Jae

One must find a place for themselves that best suits their image.

If your first at positioning didn't go well, it's not the end. There's a thing called repositioning.

Say what you need to say. And don't hesitate. – Yoo Eun Jae

Keep your head held high, that's the only way you'll discover handsome guys. – Jung Ye Eun

You can't even get mad properly. What an idiot. – Yoo Eun Jae

I guess holding things in until she explodes is her hobby! – Jung Ye Eun

I thought I was the only one holding back. I thought I was the only one who felt uncomfortable at times. I thought I was the only one being wary of others. I thought that it would be of no use even if I did say something. I was scared that I would be hated if I did say something. I assumed they'd laugh at me. In that way, I assumed that other people were completely different from me. I thought they were ruder than me and more reckless than I am. I thought that they wouldn't care. I was being arrogant. They are just like me. Other people are people, just like I am. They feel as uncomfortable as I do, and hesitate just like I do. There are plenty of people who are as nice as I am. – Yoo Eun Jae

There are two kinds of secrets: secrets that you can tell, and secrets that you can't tell.

I have a secret I can never tell. – Yoo Eun Jae

Episode 2. Is this your Underwear?

You can't call that living. That's merely existing. – Jung Ye Eun

She has no feminine qualities. Asexual reproduction suits her better, just like an amoeba. – Jung Ye Eun

The aura of people who lie are darker in color. – Song Ji Won

I wish someone would just drop a bomb or something, so that people who have boyfriends and those who don't can all just die! – Song Ji Won

I ended up lying again. I pretended I didn't want to see him even though I want to see him so badly, pretending that I didn't put any effort into my makeup when I totally did, acting this way and that. I feel like a fool somehow. – Jung Ye Eun

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