Kkondae Intern (2020)

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Episode 1.
A kkondae is a person who forces others to accept their old-fashioned beliefs regardless of how old they are.

I can do well. I really can. Why won't they give me a chance? - Ga Yeol Chan

Episode 2.
I will live. I will survive and show this world that I'm still useful. - Ga Yeol Chan

Episode 4.
Even if people talk about you, you can easily subdue them through your competence. - Koo Ja Suk

Episode 5.
You aren't a stumbling block, but a stepping stone. - Ga Yeol Chan

Episode 6.
It's only difficult to make things successful. Ruining things is a piece of cake. - Lee Man Sik

Episode 8.
I'm all alone now, and it seems like everyone is saying this old man is useless. It was a scary and miserable night. - Lee Man Sik

Episode 9.
Once again, it felt like I was going back and forth between the pit of destruction and paradise. - Ga Yeol Chan

The company is important, but my team members are important too. - Ga Yeol Chan

Episode 10.
Consumers these days are very sensitive about corporate identity. If a company seems good, they promote it themselves. If a company seems bad, they take an action called boycotting to punish the company with their hands. - Koo Ja Suk

This man might be my savior who came to ruin my life. - Ga Yeol Chan

Episode 12.
Did you think they'd like you if you were always nice to them? If you're nice to them, your subordinates will think you're just a big pushover. - Lee Man Sik

Episode 17.
I was the one who pushed him to the edge of the cliff. I was also the one who ignored him when he needed help. It's not your fault. It's enough for me to carry all that burden. - Lee Man Sik

Episode 20.
If you want to sell an item, make them feel like they need it. They may not need it at the moment, but make them feel like they do. That's the basic of sales. - Lee Man Sik

Episode 21.
You jerk. So you have money and connections. Does it mean you can toy with my life? - Lee Tae Ri

I realized that I had been too quick to judge based on my standards without remembering how clumsy I had been in the beginning. I looked down on them just like the people who had looked down on me. - Ga Yeol Chan

I don't care if I get hurt. I'm afraid my people might get hurt. - Ga Yeol Chan

Episode 22.
If I disappoint you again, don't try so hard to forgive me. - Lee Man Sik

Episode 23.
Tae Ri: It would've been nice if there was a good adult who could guide you. The problem is, there aren't many of them. Joon Su: That's because they don't survive in this world. All those higher-ups didn't get their positions through hard work. They just refused to take responsibility. They forced the good-hearted fools to take the responsibility for them. - Namgoong Joon Su

Episode 24.
A company where good adults survive, why don't we try to make that company together? - Namgoong Joon Su

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