The Happy Loner/Individualist Ms. Ji Young (2017)

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Episode 1.

Mending a relationship is one of the lies I realized while living this life. – Na Ji Young

A true relationship is found in the balance between not harming others and not getting harmed by others. – Na Ji Young

I seek for my own type of happiness. I'm happier by myself. – Na Ji Young

Say something at least. That way I can explain myself or make an excuse. – Kim Yeon Seok

Are all problems my fault? Did all of this happen because of me? – Na Ji Young

Do you know how suffocating it is to have you chase me? I feel like I'm being used because of your loneliness. – Ye Jin

It'd be immature to blame someone else, so I will only complain to myself. It's because I haven't been careful. It's my fault. – Na Ji Young

People, relationships, social life, small misunderstandings and bothersome emotional disputes. It's a waste of energy. People force others out of line. Selfishness is hidden behind empathy. Foolish humanism. None of it is real. It's all hypocrisy. Today, I succeeded again in protecting myself from it all. – Na Ji Young

Can humans live without others? To be loved is one of the most basic needs. – Park Byuk Soo

The world will not come to an end if your child knows the truth about Santa. – Na Ji Young

I'm not someone who can't do anything alone. – Na Ji Young

Do you realize how extremely rude you are? You think all individualists have a problem. I just find people who act like you annoying. That's all. – Na Ji Young

You don't want to die alone, so you get married. You don't want to die alone, so you have a kid. Then the wife dies first and your child will send you to a nursing home. That's how you end up when you're a fool who struggles all his life because he's afraid of being alone. How is that better than dying alone? – Na Ji Young

I hate people. I hate other people. I hate them more today than yesterday. – Na Ji Young

You hate me, right? I hate you, too. I feel like I wasted time and energy because of you, so I regret it. If we run into each other again, let's walk away and just ignore each other. Okay, then. – Na Ji Young

What's wrong with depression? How many people are actually happy? – Na Ji Young

I can't treat someone who isn't honest to herself. – Dr. Jung Soo Kyung

There's no need to tell your weakness to strangers, not unless you're stupid. – Na Ji Young

When a murderer is standing there with a knife, who would stay still? If I don't stab him first, I'll be the one stabbed. – Na Ji Young

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