Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (2016-2017)

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Episode 1. What do we do about the people we hate?

People ask me why I became a weightlifter. My dad took me to a weightlifting stadium when I was 10 years old. I strangely liked the metallic smell of the barbell. That's when I decided to be a weightlifter. – Kim Bok Joo

How you finish is as important as how you start. – Yoon Deok Man

Personality is as important as the talent. – Yoon Deok Man

This might sound random, but do you like Messi by any chance? – Jung Nan Hee

Soo Bin: I do not have evidence, but they have history.

Bok Joo: This is precisely why our society never improves. Everything prevents ex-convicts from starting afresh with confidence.

You don't care about things like comradeship and teamwork. You only care about yourself. – Kim Ki Seok

My dad was right. We can't do anything about the people we hate. – Kim Bok Joo

Do you know why I hate you so much? You overestimate yourself. – Kim Ki Seok

Episode 2. When I Fall in Love with You

Once Chubs (ttung), you're always Chubs. – Jung Joon Hyung

Episode 3. Let It Go

Do you know why you're unhappy? It's because of the gap between what you want and your reality. – Jung Joon Hyung

Don't look down on women. – Kim Bok Joo

I'm still a woman even if I'm fat. – Jung Nan Hee

I wonder why I ran with you. I must have lost my mind. – Jung Joon Hyung

Stay out of other people's business while others stay out of mine. That's my motto in life. – Jung Joon Hyung

I don't think we're close enough to have a deep conversation. – Kim Bok Joo

Has your personality changed or do I remember you in a wrong way? – Kim Bok Joo

I'm sure this is just a fleeting happening. Time will take care of everything. I hope time flies by. I really do. – Kim Bok Joo

Sometimes, there are passionate things that time and reason can't help. – Kim Bok Joo

Would this road lead me to a fire pit? I'm a little scared, but I'll go down this road. I'll run to him. – Kim Bok Joo

Episode 4. Her Double Life

Most girls cringe when startled, but you get ready to punch. – Jung Joon Hyung

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