Third day of christmas (Hawkeye x male!reader) [M*A*S*H]

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TW: mentions of blood and surgery and the like.

(Hawkeye's POV)

BJ and I were sitting in the swamp and drinking of course when the call came over the speaker.

"Helicopters Incoming! Helicopters Incoming!" Raidar shouted through the whole camp.

We put our drinks down and sure enough, a convoy of three helicopters was coming over the mountain ridge. BJ and I started to sprint toward the helipad and we were soon joined by Major Houlihan and a convoy of nurses.

The first helicopter touched down, it had two patients. BJ and I grabbed one and started down the mound the helicopter sat on toward the "hospital" tent.

"What does it look like BJ?" I asked.

"Looks like a mine blew up near them. Shrapnel wounds all over their body," he responded.

We got him into the triage room and quickly washed up to begin the long and grueling surgery secession. There were six patients total, two on each helicopter. Apparently, a mine had exploded as they were charting out a new path from their base to the front lines. A path that hopefully the enemy wouldn't find so soon.

"Scalpel, clamp, cotton..." I said reflexivity as I worked on my first patient.

Once I finished my first patient, the boy I had brought in with BJ landed on my table.

As I was changing my gloves, I saw his face clearly for the first time. It struck me, it was so familiar yet, somehow different, older maybe? I couldn't place it. I was brought back into the moment when a nurse called my name. I worked quickly to stop the bleeding and tried to shake the feeling from earlier.

Once I had finished, I went to wash up because all the other victims were being taken care of. I was washing up when BJ tapped me on my shoulder.

"Are you gonna keep washing up until the next batch comes in," BJ said with a chuckle.

"Don't call them batches, that's crude," I said as I finished washing my arms.

"Wow! Hawkeye Pierce scolding someone for being crude? Tell the presses!" Winchester said as he started to wash his hands next to me.

"Oh stuff, it Winchester," I responded as I walked out of the tent and toward the swamp.

"Well, that was weird!" BJ commenced as he fell into step next to me. "I mean you always yell at Charles but never at me! What has gotten into you?"

"I just thought the comment was rude. They aren't batches, they are people and we are responsible for fixing them." I spit back.

"What the hell got up your ass? You haven't been the same since we went into surgery this morning." BJ commented as he walked into the tent with me.

"It's nothing," I said, thankful to see the premade martini still where I left it.

"Don't pull that it's nothing shit with me, you are never this sensitive, hell, you're acting like Frank." He said leaning into his chair and propping up his feet.

"Don't you dare compare me to frank burns again you hear me?" I responded a bit harsher than I intended.

"See, that's what I'm talking about, no joke or anything." He said with a 'you just proved my point' face.

"Leave me alone BJ."

"No! I wanna know what has got you in this mood Hawkeye. I've never seen you like this."

"Fine! It's that boy we brought in. I think I recognize him."

"Like he's come through here before?"

Male/Ftm Reader x Random, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now