Hawkeye x Ftm!reader

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A/n: Written for @Adrian_Cory. Hope you like it. Sorry it took so long I just wanted to do a good job!

TW: Blood, surgery, all the stuff associated with M*A*S*H. A bit of language and unintentional transphobia.

(Y/n's POV)

"It'll be just over this ridge." The pilot said to me, It startled me because we hadn't talked the whole trip. Once we came over the ridge I saw it. My home till the war ends or I get killed. I suddenly became very nervous. I mean, what if they find out? That doesn't only spell the end of my career, but it could mean broken bones, or worse.

I snapped out of my thoughts as we started to descend onto the "helipad" if you could call it that. There were four figures dressed in the normal green fatigues. They came clearer as we landed. One woman with shoulder-length blond hair. A short man with big round glasses. Another short man, he looked older than the others, and his hat said he was a colonel. And finally a very tall man. He seemed to have grown too fast and hunched over. He was sloppily dressed and had his hands shoved into his pockets. Did I mention that he was very attractive?

"First lieutenant (Y/n) (Y/l/n) reporting for duty!" I said saluting the colonel.

"At ease Lieutenant." He replied. "I am your commanding officer, Colonel Potter. This is head nurse Major Houlihan. This is Radar, the company clerk. Finally-"

"Hi. They call me Hawkeye." The tall, handsome man said, holding out his hand. I shook it and was barely able to keep eye contact for the duration.

Colonel Potter then led the way back into camp to show me around.

"You will be sleeping with the other doctors in here." He explained.

"Oh, goodie! We get to be roomies!" Hawkeye said as I placed my bag down on my cot.

We then lost Hawkeye, and Houlihan as the tour continued.

Colonel Potter was the one one who knew about my, situation, so I was thankful.

"Colonel, if you don't mind me asking, but where may I change?" I asked sheepishly.

"Ah right. Thank you for reminding me. There is a storage room connected to the operating theater that you may use to get into your scrubs. Otherwise, you must change in your tent."

"All due respect colonel, I don't think I can do that."

"We are doing the best with what we have but we do not have the facilities to cater to your every need, lieutenant."

At this point, I read the room and decided I could figure it out on my own.

"Choppers." Radar said from behind me.

It made me jump again because I forgot he was there.

"I don't hear any choppers," I said confused.

"Give it a second," the colonel said, turning to look at the ridge I had flown over. Sure enough four choppers came screaming into sight. Colonel Potter turned at me and winked as he hurried off to meet the choppers. I followed him up the same hill and grabbed the first patient I could. Hawkeye grabbed the other end of the stretcher and led the way down to the operating theater.

Once we got down to the theater I quickly found the storage room and changed into my scrubs.

I rushed out and started on what would turn into a five-hour stint of surgery.

"How was that for your first day?" Hawkeye asked as we got washed up.

"Pretty awful, in so many ways," I said staring as the blood ran off my arm and down the drain.

Male/Ftm Reader x Random, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now