Connor x Ftm!reader (Detroit: Become Human)

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A/n: This was written for @KidOfBanner. Hope you like it!

(Y/n's POV)

I opened my eyes and rolled over to look at my phone. I had a good morning text from Connor. This wasn't unusual but it still made me smile all the same. Connor and I had been going out for about two weeks now. We had gone on three dates since he asked me out, but I still hadn't told him. I knew it was probably stupid to keep a secret this big for so long, but I liked him so much. He was kind and funny, and just perfect. Though, I suppose, if he didn't accept me, he wasn't perfect, was he.

I decided that I would tell him I was trans at "dinner" tonight, better to get it out in the open earlier than later. Since Connor didn't really eat, I just got him some of that blue liquid he liked to drink, I forget the name. And I made myself some of my favorite food. I decided to clean the house to try and distract myself from the anxiety that was mounting in my stomach.

After the house was clean, it was time to take a shower then decide what to wear.

I stood in front of my closet and just stared at all my clothes. I didn't want to wear something too fancy because this was supposed to be casual. But I also didn't want to be too casual considering what I was telling him. I found a pair of darb blue slacks and put those on. Then I pulled out a white shirt and a charcoal grey suit vest. I decided to disregard the sports jacket because I might look too formal. I then went into the kitchen to start food prep.

It was the first time I had let myself drift into thought almost all day. I was deciding how to phrase my coming out. I could make it funny, but I don't think Connor has that great of a sense of humor. I could make it serious and like a huge talk, but I don't want to make it a big deal. But if it's too casual, he might not grasp the gravity of the situation. I suppose I should just be like "I have something to tell you and it's kind of important." then wing it from there.

Then the bell rang and made me jump, I was grateful that it pulled me out of my thoughts though.

I walked over to the door and opened it revealing Connor on the other side.

"Hello (Y/n)." He greeted with a smile.

"Hey Connor, come on in," I said and stood aside so he could enter.

I motioned for him to sit down on the couch, and he did, I took my place next to him.

We began to talk, and the conversation flowed easily, as per usual. Thankfully I became more and more comfortable during the interaction. Soon, there was a lull in the conversation and I took it as a sign to tell him.

"Hey, Connor?" I said.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"There is something kind of important I have to tell you. Since our relationship is heading towards becoming serious, I figured I should tell you now instead of later-"

"Come on (Y/n), what do you want to say?"

"Well, do you know what it means to be transgender?" I asked nervously.

"Um, I've heard the word, but I don't know what it means."

"Well, let me put it this way, you know how some androids have flaws in their code?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Well, humans can get flaws in our code as well. Most of these flaws can be corrected, and being transgender is a correction. You see, I was born in a girl's body, and that never seemed to fit, so I transitioned to become the man I always was. By transitioning, I fixed the flaw in my code."

Connor was quiet for a moment, thinking about what I had said.

"So you had the body of a woman, and it didn't fit, so you made your body fit what you say yourself as?" he asked.

"Yes exactly!" I said with a bit too much excitement. I was surprised this was going so well.

"Okay. I'm glad you told me, but it doesn't change how I see you. You are still (Y/n)."

I smiled really wide and tears began to prick my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Connor asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm great actually, I was nervous that maybe this wouldn't go as well as it did."

Connor then relaxed and smiled. "As I said, I am dating you, because you are (Y/n), and if you are transgender, then that is part of you."

We sat in the quiet for a moment before my buzzer went off in the kitchen. My food was ready, so I went and got it, and brought out Connor's drink. I suggested we watch (Your fav show), and he agreed. While I was eating, Connor draped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. I leaned my head against him and began to smile again.

Once the episode ended I took our dishes into the kitchen and washed them. Connor came and stood next to me while I washed the dishes.

"You know Connor, it's a bit late for you to go home, so, why don't you stay here tonight?" I suggested, a bit nervous.

"Sounds great." He said with a small smile.

After dishes, we both went into my bedroom and got ready for bed. I loaned him a t-shirt and some shorts to sleep in. He thanked me and we both climbed into bed together. It was awkward at first to find out which way we should sleep on the warm summer night. Then I finally decided to lay on my side, and Connor wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

"I'm so glad that you asked me out," I whispered.

"I am too." He responded and kissed my head.

A/n: Hope you all enjoyed this! See you next time!

Male/Ftm Reader x Random, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now