Chapter 51

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It had been twenty years since the heroes of the multiverse had defeated the Anti-Monitor and saved to multiverse. In that time Oliver had been the mayor another three times before deciding to step down and let someone else take up that job. Laurel had left the DA's office a few years after Oliver had finally stepped down as mayor

In the year 2030, Oliver and Laurel and the rest of Team Arrow were still active as vigilantes. They finally decided to step down in 2032 and let their children take over protecting the city.

Mia was the leader since she had actually been on team arrow for a while now. The rest of the team now consisted of Conner, Olivia, JJ, Sara (Diggle), Robert, Lauren, Zoe Ramirez, and Tommy and Dinah's (Laurel from Earth 2) daughter Rebecca.

The new team arrow run just as well as the old one did because they had grown up together and they trusted each other more than anything in the world. In the year 2040, the team would have a serious bad guy that would come in once in a while, but after facing the Anti-Monitor and his shadow demon, it made those bad guys seem like child's play.

The Lance-Queen family had family dinner every Sunday night. That included Robert and Moira, Quentin and Dinah, Tommy and Dinah, Oliver and Laurel, Sara and Nyssa, Roy and Thea, Emiko, and all of the kids.

They did this every week at the Queen Mansion because it was the only place that was big enough for everyone to fit. Sometime the kids weren't able to make it there for dinner because their night jobs cause them to have to miss it, but no one gave them any trouble for that because the adults knew that they would do the same if they were still active.

"Looks like there must have been some trouble out there tonight." Sara said.

"Yeah, there was a bank robbery which didn't need all of our attention, so Conner and Lauren went to take care of it." Mia said.

"So, you have figured out to delegate. That is something that your father could never do. He always had to be there when we took someone down." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I need a break every once in way. I guess I get that from you. I think Olivia does as well, but Conner always has to be there." Mia said.

"I was not that bad." Oliver said with a smile.

"You wish you weren't that bad." Laurel said.

"Ok, let's eat. I am starving." Mia said and everyone got to the table and started to eat.

At the same time the Diggle's were have a meal with their children JJ and Sara. It was pretty much the same as the Queen weekly Sunday Dinner, just not as big.

"So, nothing was going on that needed your attention tonight?" John asked.

"There was a bank robbery, but Conner and Lauren are taking care of it." JJ said.

"Good, so how are things with you and Lauren anyways?" Lyla asked JJ.

"There going pretty good. I just wish our night jobs didn't get in the way all the time." JJ said.

"Well, at least you get to spend time with her even if it is not the way you want it to be. My boyfriend doesn't even know who I am?" Sara said.

"So, how are things with you and David?" John asked.

"They are going ok. I just wish I knew if I could trust him with my secret. I would be so much easier if I could just tell him who I am." Sara said.

"You will get to the point where you can tell him one day." Lyla said and Sara nodded in agreement.

"Or I will find out that I don't trust him, and we will just end things." Sara said and Lyla nodded at that as well.

Just as they were about to continue their conversation JJ and Sara's phones started to go off. "I guess that means that duty calls." John said and the kids nodded as they got up and left.

Back at the Queen Mansion everything was going great with the family dinner when all of the kid's phones went off. They all looked at their parents and Oliver said, "Go on, you know we would have done the same thing back in the day, except for we would have to lie about it." And everyone had a good laugh while Mia, Olivia, Robert, and Rebecca got up to leave.

"I guess somethings will never change. No matter how old we get there will always be some of us who have to leave in order to save the city." Laurel said.

"And you know we wouldn't have it any other way." Oliver said and all the other retired heroes nodded that they agreed with him on that.

A/N: So that was the end of this story. This was my first fanfiction that I started writing and I have really enjoyed writing this. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Leave some Reviews to let me know what you thought of the story and Thank for reading it. There will be more stories to come. So be on the watchout for them. Thanks again for reading.

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