Chapter 41

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The next day Oliver, Laurel, and Thea were sitting in Oliver's office going over a case that Laurel was about to try for the city. When they were done discussing that Oliver turned to Thea and asked, "Speedy, are you happy working here?"

"I love working for you Ollie, but I do think that there is something out there that is probably better for me." Thea said.

"Well on that note, how would you like to run a branch of a business for someone we know?" Oliver asked.

"What is this job and who is this person?" Thea asked.

"Kara called a couple of days ago and asked if I knew of anyone who might be interested in running the Star City Branch of National Daily Newspaper. The first person I thought of was you." Oliver said.

"I would love to do that Ollie, but I don't know anything about running a newspaper." Thea said.

"I am sure you could go and shadow Kara and Lois for a couple of weeks before the branch opens." Oliver said.

"I might have to try this to see how it works." Thea said and Oliver nodded.

"So, is that a yes?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, make the call." Thea said and Oliver picked up his phone to call Kara.

Kara heard her phone ring and she picked it up "Hello, National Daily News. Kara Danvers speaking."

"Hey Kara, it's Oliver. I have someone who is interested in running your branch here in Star City." Oliver said.

"That's good. Who is it?" Kara asked.

"Thea would like to do it. She knows nothing about running a newspaper though, so she was wondering if she could shadow you and Lois for a week or so." Oliver said.

"That shouldn't be a problem. Send her out to National City to start on Monday and hopefully she will be ready for her own branch within two weeks." Kara said.

"I will tell her. Thanks Kara." Oliver said.

"No, Thank you. You saved me from having to do interviews for the job." Kara said as she hung up.

"You need to be in National City on Monday to shadow Kara. Then I think you might go to Metropolis to shadow Lois. Seems like she wants to open up the branch here in two weeks." Oliver said.

"Ok, I will be there. I think that this could be fun. I might can even right my own stories if I feel the need to." Thea said.

"That would be nice. So, I need you to look into some people that might replace you. You know what needs to be done so you can handle the interviews." Oliver said.

"I'm on it." Thea said and the next thing they knew a portal opened in Oliver's office and Novu stepped out.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Oliver asked.

"I am here to give you a warning Oliver." Novu said.

"What kind of warning. I thought we were done with you." Oliver said.

"Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to avoid the Crisis like I thought, so I am here to prepare you." Novu said.

"Not really a surprise. I have never had that good of luck." Oliver said.

"Yes, it is unfortunate, but I have seen the future and things end up differently this time." Novu said.

"So, how long do we have to prepare?" Laurel asked.

"You have until after you defeat the Ninth Circle. Once that is done you will need to go and make the same preparation that you did before the Crisis before." Novu said.

"Ok, I can do that. How can I do that with no Earth 2 thought?" Oliver asked.

"Everything you need is on this earth, but you don't have to worry about that for a while to come." Novu said.

"So, you say I don't die this time?" Oliver asked.

"No, you having experience with your powers will help with that. Also, we have the rightful paragons this time around." Novu said.

"What do you mean by rightful paragons?" Thea asked.

"During the last Crisis there were people missing so we had to find the next options. Some people were also there but they were not ready for the responsibility like they are now." Novu said.

"Ok, so what has changed?" Laurel asked.

"There will be a new Paragon of Truth, Honor, Courage, and Humanity. With these people taking over for the original paragons, everything will turn out differently than it did before." Novus said.

"So, who are these new paragons?" Thea asked.

"Well the Paragon of Humanity will now be Caitlin Allen." Novu said.

"Not much of a surprise there. There is no better person then Caitlin" Laurel said.

"The new Paragon of Honor is now you Oliver." Novu said.

"That makes since." Thea said.

"The new Paragon of Courage is you, Thea Queen." Novu said.

"Wow, that is kind of awesome." Thea said.

"You are the most courageous person I know Speedy." Oliver said.

"So, what about the Paragon of Truth?" Laurel asked.

"That would be you, Laurel Queen. You are always out to find the truth in your day and night jobs." Novu said.

"That one really does fit well, but why not Superman again?" Oliver asked.

"Because it was always supposed to be Laurel, and the doppelganger was not the Laurel that we needed. We needed the original." Novu said.

"What about Batwoman, J'onn and Ryan?" Oliver asked.

"They will all play a role in the upcoming Crisis, but these new paragons are more important to everyone's survival." Novu said.

"Thanks for letting us know about all of this. Now we need to prepare while still watching out for our city." Oliver said and Novu left through another portal.

"We that was very informative. I never thought of myself as being a paragon before." Thea said.

"I don't know what to think right now. I was hoping we were not going to have to go through this again." Oliver said.

"Don't worry Ollie, as long as we stick together, we will be fine. Just like Novu said. Anyways, I have to go finish preparing for this case I have this afternoon. I will see you at home tonight." Laurel said.

"Yeah and I need to go and start packing up my stuff and looking for you a new Chief of Staff." Thea said as she and Laurel left the office.

"Well this really turned into an interesting day." Oliver said to himself as he got back to work as well.

A/N: I would like to thank Lauriverfanboy1 for letting use the idea of Thea running the Star City branch of the newspaper.

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