Simon (This ones for myself because I can.)

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(Just gonna say, this one is really sad and pretty morbid and includes death, so if you prefer cute stories, then just skip this one. I really don't mind.)

I was walking home from work when it happened. I had just turned onto our street, it was dark and the only thing that was lighting up my path was the street lamps. It all happened so fast. I was passing by an ally way, only 10 houses away from home. But I suddenly got stopped by a hand wrapping around my mouth, stopping me from screaming and I was dragged into the ally way. I don't know who it was, nor do I know the motive behind it, but I suddenly felt a blazing hot pain in my side. I had been stabbed. I heard ringing in my ears as I struggled to escape but the pain very quickly became to much and black spots danced across my vision...

When I awoke the pain was gone. I still had my eyes firmly shut but I slowly started to open them. And I wish I hadn't. Because lying there, slouched against the wall of the ally way, was me. My dead body to be specific. My entire right side was covered in blood and my mouth was open in a silent scream, my eyes wide open, unblinking, staring at nothing. I'm dead. I dropped to my knees in front of my body, before collapsing completely and curling into a ball on the floor and screaming. I screamed and screamed and cried until my voice hurt and my eyes couldn't cry anymore. My life had been so perfect. I was leaving everything good that had ever happened to me behind. My brother Ethan, my friends whom Ethan had introduced me to years ago and my amazing boyfriend Simon. Oh god Simon! I couldn't leave him! No! Please god, no! Eventually I blacked out. When I awoke again it was daytime. The sun was high in the sky, showing off my dead body perfectly. I couldn't even cry anymore. I just felt numb. I slowly climbed to my feet. I hear a gasp and then a scream. I turn to my left to see a horrified looking woman staring at my body. It wasn't long after that when the police arrived. I walked out of the ally and onto the street. Glancing down the road to where my house was. I see all of the guys coming out, obviously to see what the commotion is about. They walk over. "No... Stop! Don't go over there!" I scream at them. But they can't hear me. Of course they can't, I'm dead for fuck sake! "NO! LUCY!" Simon yells after seeing my body. He tried to run over but was stopped by the police. I had to stand there and watch as the love of my life broke down in front of me. I wanted to comfort him, to console him in someway, but I can't. Josh and JJ pull Simon back. Ethan has dropped to his knees, his face showing complete devastation as silent tears slid down his cheeks. In fact, all of the boys were crying right now. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. What can I do? I can't help them. I can't talk to them. I can't do anything but watch as their worlds collapse around them.

*5 weeks later*

I sat back down on the bed, leaning against the headboard, my knees pulled up to my chest. This had become my daily ritual. Vikk would walk in any second now to bring Simon some food. Simon would refuse at first but eventually give in and eat. It had been the same every day since I died. Simon would wake up about midday and would refuse to move. The only time he had gotten out of bed in the past 5 weeks was to go to the toilet and to go to my funeral. He relied on the boys to bring him food. I wanted to help him. I hated seeing him like this, so tired and broken. I wanted to tell him I'm ok and that I'm still here but I can't. All I can do is watch.

*6 years later*

I was still watching over him. Over all of my boys really, but I had kept a particularly close eye on Simon. Even to this day he would still visit my grave every once in a while to speak to me. And I would just listen, imagining all the things I would say to him if I could. About a year ago he met this girl called Sophie. She is really nice and so genuine. But he'd refused to get close to her at first, I think because he still clung to me in someway. I didn't want him to. I liked Sophie and it was clear that she was completely in love with him, even from the very beginning. And I also saw that he liked her back. I didn't want him to stop seeing people because of me, I wanted him to move on because no matter how much I love him and wish I could be with him, I can't, so I just want him to be happy. And it was clear to me that Sophie made him happy. He attempted to push her away and I prayed to god that she wouldn't give up on him. She didn't. She fought for him every step of the way. Had I been alive, I know that Sophie and I would have actually been great friends. Simon finally gave in about 6 months ago and accepted that he liked her. He'd come to my grave to talk to me as soon as he realised. He'd apologised and told me he still loved me and missed me dearly. I knew he was being honest. The day after that he asked her out on a date. 6 months later and they were still going strong. Of course Sophie knew about me. Both Simon and the rest of the boys had told her stories of me, of the type of person I was and the antics I got up to from the start of her becoming their friend. She'd smiled and laughed and told them that I sounded like a good person. When her and Simon had started dating it was HER that had been the one to talk about me first. She'd told Simon that she understood that he was still in love with me and would probably always be in love with me and she'd told him it was ok, because he loved her to. She could see it. She knew she would have to share his heart with a dead girl but she loved him anyway.

*62 years later*

Everyone was still alive and ok. They had all gotten married and had children who had all gone on to have children of their own. Simon and Sophie had a daughter who they had named after me. If cried when they said they were calling her Lucy. She'd gone on to have 2 boys and a girl, Daniel, Jake and Lexi. Unfortunately Simon was in hospital. I knew he was dying. I don't know whether it's because I'm dead myself but I can actually sense when someone is close to death. And Simon is dying. Sophie and their daughter along with their daughters husband were all round his bedside. They knew he was dying to. They were all crying and saying their goodbyes. Sophie asked for a minute alone with Simon. Lucy and her husband left. "You'll finally get to see her again Simon. Tell her I said hi ok? And that if she doesn't treat you well until I arrive then I'll beat her ass. And that I can't wait to meet her." Sophie smiles. "I love you so much Sophie. I'll wait for you ok? I promise." He coughs. Sophie smiles and nods her head. "I know you will Simon. I know. I love you to." Sophie whispers. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A nurse says apologetically. Sophie nods, kisses Simon one final time before saying goodbye and leaving. That night Simon closed his eyes. And he never woke up. I waited. And there he was. After all that time. My Simon. "Lucy." He breathes, his eyes seeming to drink in my image. "Simon." I smile. "Oh god I missed you." He says quietly. "I've always been there, watching you Simon. But I've missed you to." I smile. "And by the way I really like Sophie. I'm glad you found her, she's lovely." I say in approval. "You... You don't mind?" He asks shocked. "No. I actually wanted you to get together from the very start. I could see how much she loved you and I knew she'd treat you right. And she did." I grin. "Can we wait for her?" He asks. I nod my head, smiling at him. "And I can't wait to meet her either." I chuckle. And so we waited for Simons other love and it wasn't to long before she joined us. We greeted each other with open arms as if we'd know each other our whole lives.

(Really really sad and somewhat strange story. I don't even know to be honest, I just wanted to write and this is what my brain came up with. I tend not to question my mind anymore, it's completely useless. Also I'm going to the doctors again tomorrow about my anxiety and depression. I'm not going to lie, I really don't want to go but I know it's for the best. So I'm really sorry if I don't upload for a couple days after, but I'll probably be feeling like shit. Sorry guys, appreciate all the support on these though so I promise I won't be away from them for to long. And yeah, c'ya!)

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