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(Another non request. I like the little breaks in between the requests so I think for every 2 or 3 requests I do, I'll have a non request after.)

"I'll always love you. You know that right?" Ethan smiles at me. His smile is so worry free and genuine that it has me smiling as well. "I know Ethan. I'll always love you to." I whisper honestly. Right now we are laid tangled up on the couch, our legs and arms intertwined so that you can't tell where one of us begins and the other ends. This is our usual, go to, cuddling position. If we're alone then this is how you will find us 95% of the time. We always like to be touching, not in a rude way like I'm sure most people would assume, but in an 'I love you so much and I always want to be near you' kind of way. He smiles at me again. 5 years together and it still feels like the first day we met when he smiles at me like that. 5 years and I still get butterflies in my tummy whenever anyone even mentions his name. He is my everything. It sounds so cheesy but he really is. He saved me, people don't seem to understand that. But they don't really need to understand. I think that's the great thing about Ethan and I's relationship. Nobody really knows how it came to be, nobody knows why we're as strong as we are. And I like it that way. People look at us and ask us how we do it, how after so long we only ever get stronger, how we never fight or even argue really. And to tell you the truth... It's simply because we love and trust each other completely. We were both in a bad place when we met, he was stressed and sad about all the hate he was getting, I was just... Well I was just sad. And we found each other in our worst moment, when it felt like we were about to fall off a cliff, and we both reached out a helping hand to the other and made everything better. He saved me and in return I saved him. Nobody knows how bad we really were except ourselves, and that's the way we like to keep it. Even now, years later, we still boost each other up when we're feeling low. Our love, trust and support is indescribable to anybody that hasn't felt it themselves. It honestly feels like we are two halves of a whole. I love him with all my heart and soul and I know he feels the same. "Here's a crazy idea..." Ethan mumbles, his face scrunched up in thought. "Let's get married." He suddenly beams at me, the biggest, surest smile on his face. "Are you serious?" I ask grinning. He nods his head. "I already know you were thinking of the same thing I was a second ago. So with that in mind, why not?" He grins. "Sounds good to me." I smirk, leaning in the few centimetres to kiss him.

*5 years later*

10 years Ethan and I have been together. 10 incredible years. We got married almost 5 years ago and within a year after that I gave birth to our beautiful little baby boy (who is 3 now, oh how time flies.) Nothing has changed with the dynamic of our relationship since the first day we met. We are still, and will always be, each other's everything. Only now we have our son added into the equation as well. Our little perfect family.

(Authors notes: this one is meant to be overly cute and fluffy because I'm just in one of those moods. You know, the hopeless romantic kind? Yep... Anyways I hope this really cheesy cliche one shot was ok and you guys enjoyed. And c'ya! <3)

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