Sidemen Appreciation...

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I bring you a break in between the personal requests to present to you my Sidemen appreciation note. xD (Dont even ask, I don't know what that was about. :P) anyway yeah I just wanted to say... Aren't the boys just amazing? They literally do so much for us fans, it's so cute. Like how they interact with us for example. When we meet them in real life they mess about and have a laugh and give us hugs. And on twitter! They are always interacting with us there. Both Tobi AND Simon have tweeted me before and they all favourite our tweets a lot. Like between them they must have favourited my tweets at least 30 times and holy shit guys, I don't know about all of you, but it always puts a smile on my face. They do a lot for us and I really think they are amazing human beings. So genuine and lovely. It's refreshing really to have people who have an actual fan base be so down to earth. I hope they know how much it means to a lot of us. Also please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks like this? xD otherwise I just sound crazy. :P anyways yes, I'm done being cheesy now! BACK TO THE PERSONAL REQUESTS I GO! And c'ya! <3

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