JJ and Vikk

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(This one is requested by anyakelsey101. Another new ship for me. Hope you like it!)

Vikk's POV:

JJ had just pushed me up against the wall, his face close to mine. "Well it's a good job I like you to then isn't it?" He whispers. Suddenly he's kissing me. I kiss back immediately. Things start to get a bit more heated, his mouth finds the soft spot on my neck and I moan. "Vikk! Vikk wake up!" Suddenly I'm being pulled out of the dream by Josh's voice above me. I open my eyes to see Josh and Simon stood by my bed, Josh looks confused while Simon is smirking. "What were you dreaming about?" Josh asks. I blush and look down at my hands on the bed sheets. "Nothing." I mumble embarrassed. "He was dreaming about JJ again." Simon grins. My head darts up to stare at him. "Wait what? Again?" I ask feeling completely mortified. "Yep. I heard you yesterday moaning his name while you were asleep. 3 guesses as to what those dreams were about." He laughs. I can't look at them, I'm so embarrassed right now. Nobody was supposed to find out about the dreams. I'd been having... Bad dreams we'll call them, about JJ for a couple weeks now. I can't help it. I'm just... Frustrated I guess. "Hey, what's going on in here?" JJ laughs as he walks in. "VIKK'S BEEN HAVING DREAMS ABOUT YOU! Ones where he moans a lot!" Simon yells laughing before running out of my room, Josh hot on his tail. "Wait what?" JJ asks turning to face me. I groan and bury my face in my hands. Why, why do you do this to me Simon. "He was just joking." I lie. "I can tell when you're lying Vikk. You've been having dreams about me? But I didn't even know you were gay!" He exclaims. "I didn't know I was gay either until about a month ago when the dreams started." I wince. "Well then... It sounds like someone is feeling a little frustrated... How about I fix that for you." JJ says playfully. My eyes widen as he walks over and sits next to me. Next thing I know, he's kissing me. Of course I kiss back straight away. The kiss is rough and filled with passion. His arms wrap around me pulling me closer to him as things get more heated. This time I'm awake, and what's happening and is about to happen isn't just a dream...

(Authors notes: I think this ones a bit shorter and pretty different. Im not used to writing anything even remotely steamy, even though my brain is very good at picturing it. I don't know. I really don't. xD anyways yeah, hope you enjoyed! And c'ya!)

((Also the next one shot won't be a request, well technically not anyway, I'm writing one for my IRL best friend as a joke since he agrees with me that Simon is fit. Don't even ask, but yeah after that one, I shall return to the personal requests. And c'ya again!))

Sidemen one shots. (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant