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(This is another one for me, skip it if you want.)

"I hate you." I spit out between pursed lips. I feel like crying right now and I really don't know why. It's not like Simon means anything to me. So why does it hurt so much when he picks on me? Of course I'm not actually going to cry. Not in front of Simon. Simon just laughs at me and shakes his head. "To be honest love, I really don't give a shit." He smirks. I know I'm about to break. I can feel the tears coming. So I quickly turn away and run over to the girls bathroom as the first few tears escape.

Simon's POV:

I don't WANT to be mean. I really don't. But if I don't then I'll loose my status and here in school status is everything. But as I watch her turn away and run off I can see that she's crying. She never cries. That's why I chose her to pick on, because the only reaction I normal get out of her is hate and anger. I chose her because I thought she could handle it. I guess I was wrong. Ignoring my friends, who were stood behind me cheering at my having finally made her crack, I follow after her. I need to apologise. I see her run into the girls bathroom so I lean against the wall just outside to wait for her. I hear gentle sobbing coming from the bathroom and I wince knowing that I caused that. I need to make this right somehow. I need to apologise.

Lucy's POV:

I sniffle and wipe my eyes, drying the last of my tears. I take a quick glance in the mirror and sigh, my face is slightly red from all the crying. I quickly splash cold water on my face in an attempt to cool me down before wiping my face with my sleeve. Knowing there is nothing more I can do to make it look like I haven't been crying I stand up straight, lifting my bag onto my shoulder and walk out just as the bell goes. But then I'm being dragged back inside the bathroom by some unknown person. My natural instinct is to elbow whoever it is in the stomach. I hear a low grunt from behind me and I know it's a guy. Shit, what the hell is going on?! Suddenly I'm being spun around to face an annoyed looking Simon. Oh... Just fucking perfect. "What the fuck do you want Simon." I sigh in defeat. "I want to apologise." He shrugs. Wait what?! He wants to apologise? Is this some kind of joke? I think he can see the skepticism and doubt in my face because he cringes. "I-I saw you crying. I never meant to make you cry. In fact I picked you because I thought with the way you hated me you'd be able to handle a bit of teasing. I know now I took it to far and I want to say sorry." He frowns looking down at the floor in obvious shame. "With the way I hated you? What are you talking about?" I ask confused. He looks up to me in surprise. "You always looked at me with such distaste, I just assumed..." He trails off. "We'll dont assume next time. I never hated you. Well at least until you started bullying me. Sure, you were a douche, but I realise that people are the way they are for a reason. I wasn't about to hate you when I didn't know why you were the way you were." I inform him. Now it's his turn to look confused before a look of realisation passes over his face. "Shit. I'm sorry Lucy. You didn't hate me before, but you definitely do now. I'll just leave you alone." He cringes. I sigh and shake my head. "I don't hate people easily Simon. I feel like hate is only reserved for special people that really fuck you over in some way. There are only 2 people in the entire world right now that I hate, and neither of them are you." I tell him honestly. I don't want him feeling like I hate him for what he did to me when I really don't. "You-You don't hate me?" He asks shocked. I simply shake my head.

Simons POV:

She doesn't hate me? Why? I mean I'm happy that she doesn't, but after everything I've done to her I just can't understand it. "You know I had actually quite liked you at one point." She tells me. I can see the honesty in her eyes so I know she's not lying. "I once say you check on a kid that had gone into the bathroom crying after he got some bad news. I know you didn't know the guy because he was 2 years bellow us. But you still went and spoke to him." She smiles, I can see that she's reliving that scene in her head. I don't remember that specific time. I've done that a few times when I see people crying, but I'm glad she saw that and still remembers it. "I actually think that's why I don't dislike you so much." She adds on afterward. "You know I picked you right? Well that means I had to have noticed you yes?" I ask. I'm going to tell her the truth. "I guess so?" She frowns, obviously unsure of where I'm going. "I thought you were the prettiest girl is ever seen. So I kind of watched you for a while, as creepy as that sounds. "I found out that not only were you extremely beautiful but you were very intelligent to. And you always seemed to be making your friends laugh, so you were obviously funny. You always seemed to want to make others laugh so I also knew you were nice. But this one time when you were with your friends I was watching you. You made them laugh and then they started talking amongst themselves, you stayed to the side out of the way. And the smile you always had on your face slipped and you suddenly looked sad. And all I wanted to do was hug you and tell you it was ok. I also picked you because I wanted to get to know you better if I'm being completely honest." I admit sheepishly. "Well if we're being honest then Im also going to say that I might have had a slight crush on you from like Y7 up to Y9... And I guess it never really went away..." She blushes. It only takes a second for me to understand the implication in what she just said. She has a crush on me. I take the opportunity and kiss her. She's hesitant to respond at first but after a second she's kissing me back. When I pull away a minute later I rest my forehead against hers. "I'm sorry for everything I did. I actually really like you. Do you think we could maybe start fresh? Get to know each other as friends? And then after you've forgiven me I'll ask you out." I smirk. She blushes again but I can see a slight smile on her lips. "I already forgive you, but sure, lets start again. And then when you're ready you can ask me out. And I promise I'll say yes." She smiles. I'm so glad I chased after her...

(Authors notes: I know Simon isn't in school and neither am I but I like to write new things for each one shot and I thought I'd try it out. Suggest ships for me to write about as well in the comments. I like hearing about new ships that I haven't thought of since I'm more of an Emon or MiniZerk shipper. :P)

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