Leonie and Josh

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"LETS GO TO THE PARK!" Ethan yelled excitedly as he bounced up and down in his seat with Tobi and Harry on one of the sofa's. There are multiple groans throughout the room but I squeal and nod my head as I join him in his excited movement from where I'm sat beside Josh in the big armchair. Harry also seems excited by the prospect of going to the playground at the park. Josh sighs and rolls his eyes at us. "Do we have to?" He whines. "YES!" Harry, Ethan and I shout at the same time. After a little convincing, all of the boys agree to come with us. Our large group (both Cal's decided to join us) make our way to the park just down the road from us. As soon as we get there Ethan, Harry, Vikk Josh and I head towards the kids playground. Thankfully it's empty so there are no disapproving mums to scold us. Simon, JJ, Tobi and the two Cal's decide to just kick a ball around on the grassy field beside the playground. Vikk and Harry start climbing up this ropey net thingy to get to the fireman pole while Ethan starts going down the slide. I sit down on a swing and start to swing slowly. Josh walks up behind me and starts to give me a push to help me swing higher. I squeal when I start to get particularly high and laugh as the wind whips at my face. I've always loved the swings. Unfortunately for me, when I get to the peak of the swing again, I slip off and go falling to the ground. I don't know how it happens, but I also fall slightly to the side of the swing and land half on the hard floor and half on the grass. I also happen to land right on a shard of glass. It could only happen to me couldn't it? I help in pain and pull my arm up to my chest. "LEONIE! Are you ok?!" Josh asks panicked as he jogs over to me. "I landed on glass. Josh, it hurts." I pout as I cradle my arm to me. "Let me look. If there is and glass in the cut, I have to get it out." Josh half smiles sympathetically. I slowly stretch my arm out to him for him to assess the damage. He gasps and gently grabs hold of my hand. "That looks deep. I think it may need stitches." Josh frowns. By now, the rest of the guys have all gathered round. I glance down to see my arm covered in blood. My fave pales and I have to look away. Blood doesn't normally bother me, but when it's a lot of it and it looks gruesome I get a little queasy. Josh carefully pulls the large shard of glass from my arm and hands it to Harry, asking him to throw it in the bin so it can't injure anyone else. "Come on, we need to get you to the hospital to get this stitched up." Josh grimaces. Yep, this could only happen to me.

*skipping journey to hospital*

The boys all wait in the main room while Josh follows me to the reception desk. He explains what happened and asks me to show the woman my arm, so I gently lift it up to show her the damage. Her eyes widen slightly and she nods her head. "I'll send a nurse to come and get you shortly. If you'd like to just take a seat." She smiles sympathetically. It's only a few minutes before a nurse walks in and calls my name. Josh and I follow her into a small room where she quickly cleans the wound, stitches it up and then wraps a bandage around it, all the while making small talk and laughing and joking with Josh. When we finish and are allowed to leave Josh hesitates in the corridor, softly grabbing my elbow to stop me. "Hey, are you ok?" He asks calmly. "I will be soon, it just hurts a bit right now." I admit.
When we get home Josh immediately fetches me a drink and some pain killers and I shoot him a grateful smile.

*1 week later*

Even though it was only a cut on my arm and the pain eased off pretty quickly, Josh was still being the ever attentive boyfriend, bringing me drinks and food and buying me chocolates and flowers to make me feel better. Honestly my arm doesn't even hurt anymore so he really doesn't have to be so cute but I'm really not complaining. I had the stitches out yesterday and Josh is still being really sweet. "Hey. I love you." He says randomly while we're snuggling in bed watching Netflix. "I love you to Josh." I smile quickly leaning up to give him an appreciative kiss. Josh has been amazing with me and I love him so much. He's my little cutie.

(Authors notes: this took a bit of a turn from how I originally planned it but I think it's ok. I hope you like it Leonie! Let me know if you want anything changing. :) and c'ya! <3)

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