Alex and Vikk

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(For DisIzWhoIAm.)

I walk into the house, throwing my keys on the little table before calling out that I'm home. My call is met by silence. Huh, unusual, the house is normally buzzing with energy by this time. What's going on? "GUYS?! GUYS, YOU HERE?!" I frown. No answer. What the hell is going on? "Alex." Somebody whispers to my right. I immediately turn to face it but nobody is there. Ok seriously now... What the fuck is happening right now?! The only room to the right of me is the study but nobody really goes in there. Slowly I creep over and open the door. Taking a cautious step in I'm met with an empty room. Ok starting to get a little freaked out now. "Guys is that you?!" I yell. Nothing. "Alex." Another whisper comes from the other door in the room that leads to the corridor where the games room and living room are. I open the door and peer out. Nothing. I slowly make my way to the living room, (the games room has glass double doors so I can see that nobody is in there.) when I walk in, the room is shrouded in darkness. Suddenly I'm being jumped on from behind as loud screams pierce the room. I scream and try to run away, terrified. And then I hear laughing. A very distinctive laugh that I would know anywhere... Ethan. "WE GOT YOU!" Ethan laughs as the lights are flicked on to reveal all of the boys stood around laughing. "Fuck you guys." I mumble before walking out of the room. That actually scared the shit out of me. It was horrible. "Babe wait!" Vikk yells as he chases after me. "I'm sorry! The guys convinced me to do it. They said it would make a funny video, you know 'I prank my girlfriend' Or something? I'm sorry we scared you. I shouldn't have let the idiots convince me to do that." Vikk frowns. I sigh and shake my head. "You guys really scared me. I thought somebody had broken in and killed you guys or something!" I exclaim in frustration. "I'm sorry baby. Please forgive me? I'll make it up to you, I promise." Vikk pouts, pulling the puppy dog eyes he knows I can't resist. I roll my eyes but relent to his attempts to apologise. "Fine, but you have some serious ass kissing to do to make it up to me." I grin. "Anything." Vikk chuckles. "Well you can start by getting me something to eat. I'm starving." I chuckles. Vikk smiles and nods his head eagerly, desperate to make me feel better. Aww he's so cute bless him! He disappears into the kitchen so I go back into the living room where I'm met by 6 other guilty looking guys. "Sorry Alex. We didn't mean to upset you." Tobi smiles sheepishly. I laugh and nod my head. "It's cool, Vikk's already apologised." I smirk as I sit on the sofa, propping my feet up on the coffee table. "Where is Vikk?" Simon asks confused. Right on time, Vikk walks in holding a tray of junk food and a drink for me. "Ah, I guess that answers my question." Simon chuckles. I grin and nod my head. "Vikk is going to make it up to me, aren't you baby?" I smile sweetly. Vikk nods his head enthusiastically, setting the tray down on the table. "You've got that boy wrapped around your little finger haven't you?" Josh grins. I raise my eyebrows and shrug in response. "WHIPPED!" JJ laughs. "Pfft, I'm not whipped, I'm just trying to please the love of my life." He smiles before leaning over and planting a quick kiss to my lips. I smile. He's definitely whipped. He would do practically anything for me. And that's why I love him so much. He is the definition of the perfect boyfriend.

(Authors notes: Vikk strikes me as the type of guy that would legitimately be a perfect boyfriend and would be completely whipped. I don't know why, he just does. Anyways hope you enjoyed! And Alex if you want anything changing, let me know. :) C'ya!)

Sidemen one shots. (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя