Ashleigh & Ethan

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(For Ashie_Love26)

I was at my best friends house to help him film a video. He asked me to be in a Q&A because he doesn't really like filming them on his own, he claims its 'boring' if it's just him talking to a camera. After a little beginning and a bribe of free food I agreed to be in his video. "So what exactly do I have to do Ethan?" I frown. I've never been in one of his videos before so I'm a little bit nervous. "Sit there and look pretty. And maybe answer a few questions I guess." He chuckles. I roll my eyes but don't bother saying the sarcastic response that's in my head right now because Ethan just started his intro. "So we're doing a Q&A with my best friend Ashleigh today. I asked you guys on Twitter to tweet us questions with the #Behzleigh and we're going to answer a few on camera. So the first question from LucySDMN is 'how long have you guys known each other?" Ethan grins as he turns to face me. "Actually I met Ethan in nursery or I guess Kindergarten for Americans? Wait it is kindergarten right?" I frown. "Yeah I think so." Ethan smiles. "Anyway I was sat at a table doing a beautiful drawing of a unicorn when douchebag of there walks over and asks me why I'm drawing a turtle. A frickin turtle. Like my amazing unicorn was so difficult to distinguish as a unicorn. Needless to say I may have hit him and the teacher may have forced us to sit down and talk. We apologised, he said he still thought it was a turtle and the rest is history." I laugh. Ethan's smiling, a far away look on his face as if he is remembering the whole ordeal. "Yeah good times. Anyway next question from Behz'sBoys123 and they ask 'have you two ever dated?' And that's an easy one to answer. No, we've never dated." Ethan answers. The Q&A continues until finally Ethan asks the question that I've seen pop up a few times. "Have either of us ever had a crush on the other?" He turns to face me with a weird expression on his face before turning back to the camera with a shrug. "Actually yes I have." The look on his face is very sheepish as if he's nervous for my reaction. "You had a crush on me? When?" I ask with my eyebrows raised. He rolls his eyes and turns back to face me. "Since I was 6." He admits. Only, I realise something after he said that, he never said when he stopped having the crush. "I'll admit I have a bit of a crush on you as well. And before you ask, since I was 10, kinda like a childhood crush at first though." I chuckle. He seems to be assessing my words carefully. "You said have... Do you still..." He trails off, seeming unsure about whether to carry on or not. I smirk and shrug my shoulders trying to be slightly evasive. I'm not going to lie, I want him to say it first. It's kind of like this awkward stand off where neither of us wants to admit it first. "Well I still have a crush on you." Ethan finally relents. I nod my head smiling. "Same." I grin. What? The guy I've been crushing on just admitted to crushing on me to. Can't a girl be happy? "Soooo... Erm... What do we do now?" He asks. I roll my eyes with a chuckle. He never could take a hint so I decide to take matters into my own hands, leaning over and kissing him like I've wanted to do for so long. He immediately kisses me back. "So will you perhaps consider being my girlfriend? He asks when he finally pulls away. I grin and kiss him again to answer his question. He's going to have to cut that last bit out of his video, but right now, I really don't care.

(Authors notes: hope you guys liked it. Ashleigh if you want anything changing, just let me know. And c'ya! <3)

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