#4 Vobi? Tobstar123? (IDK what there ship name is. xD)

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Tobi's POV:

"I'm going to the guys house! See ya later!" I yell out to whoever is in the house. "Ok see you later sweetie!" My mum calls back. I smile, grabbing my car keys (does Tobi drive? :S) and walking out of the house. It takes a while to get to the guys house but I eventually pull up in the drive way. I just walk straight in like I always do, walking over to the kitchen in search of food. When I walk in Vikk is sat on one of the bar stools spinning around with a bowl of cereal in one hand and a spoon in the other as he takes a mouth full of cereal. I grin and shake my head at him. "Mornin Vikky!" I chuckle, walking over to the junk food cupboard. He grumbles something under his breath and waves his spoon in some sort of greeting. He must have only just woken up. I glance at my watch to see it's 9:54am. No wonder he's out of it, it's to early for most of the sidemen to be up yet. To be honest I'm surprised that Vikk's awake yet. I just grab a can of tango before walking over to the bar stool next to Vikk and sitting down. I drink my drink in silence while he continues to swivel around on the stool eating his breakfast. He looks so childlike and adorable right now I can't help but grin at him. "So Vikk, how you been mate? I feel like we haven't actually spoken in a while." I smile. A soft smile appears on his lips as he nods his head. "Yeah I'm good man, thanks for asking. How about you? And yeah I think the last time we properly talked was maybe like 2? 3 weeks ago?" He frowns slightly at that. "I'm alright thanks. A bit tired. I haven't really been sleeping right well... But yeah we need to make more time to just talk and have a catch up." I smile. He nods his head, grinning. "AY VIKK! TOBI SAYS HE'S COMING OVER TODAY! YOU GONNA TELL HIM?!" Josh yells walking down the stairs. Vikk's eyes widen and he blushes. Josh walks in, sees me and chokes, quickly coughing to cover it up. "Tell me what?" I ask confused, looking between the two of them. "Erm... I'm just gonna..." Josh trails off before running out the room yelling his apology to Vikk. "Tell me what Vikk?" I frown, slightly concerned. "Oh. Nothing Tobi, it's fine." He mutters, looking down at his hands in his lap. "No Vikk, please tell me? What's going on? You can talk to me." I prod. He sighs and finally looks up at me. "He wanted me to tell you that I like you." He cringes. I'm still confused. "Ok?" I half state half ask. "No Tobi, you don't understand. I mean I LIKE you, as in I might have a slight crush on you." He frowns looking back down at his hands again, blushing. Now I understand. I lean over and lift Vikk's chin up so he's looking at me and smile at him. "I like you to Vikk." I grin before leaning over even more and planting my lips on his. He freezes, obviously shocked at my forward mess, before kissing me back. I shuffle forward on the stool and wrap my arms around his waist while his arms go round my neck. When we finally pull away to breath I rest my forehead against his and grin. "I've wanted to do that for SO long but I didn't want to scare you away." I chuckle. Vikk smiles at me. "Honestly I was just to scared you'd reject me." He admits. I shake my head and kiss him again, only a peck on the lips this time. "Nope. Not rejecting you. I'm yours Vikk. I always have been. You just had to tell me you liked me." I say honestly, still smiling. The grin that stretches across Vikk's face is victorious and happy. "I'm so glad Josh decided to be an idiot." He laughs. I join him in laughing and give him a gentle squeeze. "So Vikk... How's about we go on a date?" I smirk. His face lights up even more than before if that's possible. "Sure Tobi. I'd really like that." He smiles before planting his lips on mine again.

(Authors notes: I really hope this is ok and you enjoyed. I wasn't really sure what to do with this ship since I've never really thought about it before so I hope it's ok. Feedback is always appreciated and remember to leave a comment if you want to see a specific ship or you want your own personal one shot. Also this one is dedicated to both Animegirl24 and Zexylexi since they both commented saying they wanted this ship. :P)

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