#8 Crystal & Vikk

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"VIKK! Come on! The lads have already left! We'll be late!" I shout up the stairs in warning. "Yeah, two seconds! I just have to set this video to public!" I hear him call back from our room. I sigh and roll my eyes, why is Vikk always the last one to get ready? It makes things so much more difficult! "Crystal could you come here for a minute?!" He yells. I groan in frustration but go up the stairs anyway. I walk straight into our room and gasp at the sight. The lights are off and the curtains are drawn but there is plenty of light from the dozens of fairy lights around the room and the many candles that are placed on every flat surface. His laptop is sat on his bed with Netflix open and there is lots of junk food piled up on the bed. The entire room looks very Tumblrish. Vikk is stood at the bottom of the bed, a huge grin on his face. I thought since it's our 2 year anniversary, rather than going out with the boys, we could have an evening in while they piss off somewhere. Is that ok?" He smiles. Eyes wide, I nod frantically. "You did all this for our anniversary?" I whisper. He nods his head grinning. "I knew you'd rather stay in if you could so I asked the boys to go out for the evening and leave us in peace." He informs me. "You are easily the best boyfriend ever! I'm so lucky to have you. I love you so much Vikk." I say honestly, walking over to him and pulling him in for a hug. He laughs "I'm the lucky one, trust me. I love you so much to Crystal. You have no idea how in love with you I am." He smiles, leaning down and planting a gentle kiss on my lips. He is literally perfect. "Oh! I also have a present for you." He grins, gesturing over to the nightstand where there is an envelope propped up against the lamp. I pull away from Vikk to walk over and pick it up. I peel it open and pull out the contents. Holy shit these are plane tickets to Hawaii! I gasp for the second time that night, turning to face Vikk who is smiling at me with such love and adoration it makes my heart melt. "And that's not it. Crystal you are the love of my life, my soul mate and my best friend. I love you with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you'll let me. So crystal..." He pauses as he pulls out a small black box and gets down on one knee. My hand flies to my face in shock as tears of joy start to slowly run down my face. "Will you marry me?" Me asks opening the box to reveal the most gorgeous diamond ring. I nod my head momentarily unable to speak before breathing out a quiet "yes." Vikk's grin widens and he stands up again, pulling the ring out of the box and sliding it into my finger. I leap at him, throwing my arms around his shoulders in a tight hug before kissing him again. IM ENGAGED! "Now go ring the girls, I know you're dying to." He smirks. I laugh and nod my head before pulling my phone out my pocket. "I'll just be calling the guys. They had no idea I was going to propose." Vikk smiles, his eyes sparkling happily. I grin and walk out the room to go downstairs, dialling Lucy's number. Lucy is Simons girlfriend and one of my close friends (apologise for adding myself but I wanted a girly conversation. :P) She answers on the 3rd ring. "Hello?" She chirps happily. "LUCY! Is Becky there?" I ask. Becky is Lucy's older sister who is dating Josh.?"Erm... yeah? Why?" She asks me confused. "Put me on speaker!" I demand. "Ok you're on speak. What's going on?" She asks. "VIKK PROPOSED!" I squeal. "WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! Oh my god, oh my god! How did he do it?! Was it amazing?!" Lucy rambles. "Calm yourself Lucy! Let the girl speak." Becky chuckles. "It was amazing guys! Candles, fairy lights, the works! And he was so sweet and did this adorable little speech about how he loved me! It was so perfect! He's just phoning the guys right now but he has a Netflix date set up as well! AND he bought the two of us tickets to Hawaii!" I rush out. "Aww! Oh my god that's so adorable! Vikk's so sweet to you!" Lucy giggles. "I know right?!" I laugh. "Right well we'll let you get back your fiancé and your Netflix date!" Becky chuckles. "Ok girls! Talk to you later." I grin as we say out goodbyes and I hang up, walking back upstairs and back into mine and Vikk's room where he stood waiting for me smiling. I walk over and peck his lips quickly before walking over to the bed. We literally spent the rest of the evening snuggled up on the bed, eating junk food and pizza (which Vikk had ordered while I talked to the girls) and watching movies on Netflix until the guys got home about midnight. They came in and congratulated us before heading off to their separate rooms to sleep. Vikk and I decided to follow there lead and go to sleep as well. And when I say I fell asleep with the biggest grin on my face, I'm not exaggerating. This has been the best day of my entire life so far and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

(Authors notes: so this one is for jah_crystal! Hope you enjoyed it! If you want anything changing, feel free to let me know and I can see if I can sort it. I actually really liked writing this one because I was picturing it in my head and it was so romantic and cute! Yeah hope it's ok. C'ya!)

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