Megan & Josh

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I was waiting in line with my friend Lucy to meet the sidemen. We'd both agreed that we would travel to Coventry for Insomnia even though we both live in different places, I live in London while Lucy lives in Sheffield. We'd met through a mutual love of the sidemen and have been friends ever since. We met up outside the event so we'd be able to find each other easily. We'd skyped a lot so we knew what the other looked like and it wasn't to difficult to find each other. We are almost at the front of the line now. "Hey, you nervous?" Lucy asked, turning to face me slightly. "Umm, kinda." I chuckle. "I wouldn't worry to much Megan, Josh is going to love you, so just relax." She smiles. "Easy for you to say." I mumble jokingly. She just roles her eyes smiling. And now we're at the front. When the group of people that went in before us leave, we are allowed to walk into the small room. Lucy, who had been linking arms with me, pulls away to go and talk to Simon who is her favourite, while I hesitate by the entrance, feeling really nervous all of a sudden. "Hey, you can walk a bit further in you know, we don't bite." Someone laughs and I instantly recognise the voice as Josh's. I look over to where the voice came from, to see Josh and Tobi stood by a table, obviously waiting for me to move. I laugh nervously, before walking over to the two of them. "Hi." I smile. "Hey, what's your name love?" Josh asks. "It's Megan. It's really great to finally meet you, I've been a fan for a long time but I've never had the chance to meet you before." I say in a rush. "We'll it's great to finally meet you Megan. Do ya want a picture?" He asks happily. I grin and nod my head, handing my phone to Lucy who had just walked over, with Simon following closely behind. She smiled and snapped a picture of Josh and I. The boys, Lucy and I talk for another couple minutes, they sign our stuff and take pictures with us before we have to move on to let other people in. Pouting slightly at the short amount of time I got to spend with them, I reluctantly say goodbye, following Lucy out of the room.

*1 year later*

It has been an entire year since I met the sidemen and Lucy and I were going back to Insomnia this year to meet them again. We waited our turn before walking into the familiar room where Josh, Ethan and Simon were. "Hey I remember you! You came to meet us last year! Megan was it?" Josh grins. I smile and nod my head, surprised that he actually remembered me. "Yeah, it's nice to see you again." I smile. We talk for a short while but then we are ushered to leave. Josh bends down to give me a hug goodbye, which shocks me slightly. After we've walked out, I shove my hands in my pockets and feel something odd. I pull it out of my pocket to see a scrunched up piece of paper. I open it out to see a number on it with the words 'call me - Josh ;)' written on it. I can't help the little squeal that escapes me. "What? What's wrong?" Lucy asks me worriedly. "Oh. Sorry, nothing." I glance around me to check nobody is listening before telling her that Josh gave me his number. She laughs and nods her head. "I'm not surprised. I told you he'd love you." She smirks. I chuckle and nod my head, pulling my phone out to save the number. I can't believe he gave me his number!

*3 years later*

Josh and I have been dating for half a year now. After Insomnia we texted back and forth for a while before we finally decided to Skype each other instead and then about a year ago I moved to London so we started meeting up in real life. A couple of weeks after we first met up, he asked me out on a date. Of course I said yes. I am currently at the sidemen house playing a game of FIFA against Harry while Josh, Simon and Ethan film a video. "Hey Megan! Come here a second please?" Josh calls. "Yeah one second, I'm just beating Harry's ass at FIFA!" I call back. A minute later and I won. Harry raged of course and I just laughed at him. I excused myself to go and see what Josh wanted before walking into the kitchen. When I look over Josh is stood next to a large white board that is being propped up beside the island counter. Written on the white board it says 'Megan will you be my girlfriend?' I laugh and shake my head at his cheesiness before walking over, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. "Of course I will." I grin. "Lucy will be here any second so you can go fangirl together upstairs." Simon laughs. Simon and Lucy have been going out for just over a year now as well. I laugh and stick my tongue out at him. Josh finally asked me out. Literally, my life is amazing.

(Authors notes: this one is for Mehillama. Hope you enjoyed it Megan! I know it's taken a while for me to write, but I've been taking a little break, so I apologise for that. If you want anything changing just let me know. And C'ya!)

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