Infrequent uploads...

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I know I haven't been uploading as much and I'm sorry about that, I've just really been struggling to come up with new ideas and story lines. I always like to write something different and original that I haven't thought of or written about before and it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to come up with new fresh ideas. So until I get back into the flow of things and I get my mojo back and can actually come up with NEW content, I may not upload frequently and uploads will be pretty sporadic. Of course I will always try to upload at least once a week but if I go over that week I'm sorry but it can't be helped. I hate feeling like I'm writing the same shit over and over again so I won't do it. I don't know how long it will take for me to get back into the swing of things and be able to upload almost daily again but I'm hoping it won't be to long. Apologies once again. Hope you guys understand. I really just want good quality uploads that are fresh and that i know you guys will like. so yeah, thanks for all the support you guys have given me on this so far! And c'ya!

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