#9 Leonie & Josh

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I was getting ready to meet up with some of my secondary school friends. It had been 5 years since I'd last seen them but we'd all made a promise that we'd meet up 5 years after we left school just to see how everyone was. There had been 5 of us in our group, myself, Tobi, Josh, Ally and Kim. I'm not going to lie, I was feeling a little nervous and apprehensive about seeing them after all this time. What if they'd changed? What would they think of how I'VE changed? Would we still get along? Back in school the 5 of us had been inseparable. But what if we hated each other now? I pulled myself out of my thoughts as I arrived at the park. Our old stomping ground throughout school. We used to come to this park after school practically ever single day in the summer. The park was big but I knew where I would find them. Under the tree. The tree was just this sole tree in the centre of an otherwise open field. Like the rest of the entire park was all woodland and in the ONE open space there is just this one lonely tree. So that's where we had always sat. Josh and Tobi would climb the tree while Kim, Ally and I would sunbath and talk about their crushes. We never discussed my crush around the boys because I had actually had a crush on Josh practically all through school. And now walking onto the field I could see the very guy I was just thinking about, stood under the tree with Tobi. I sped up my pace until I was right there with them. They both looked at me, surprised looks on their faces. "Hey." I wave awkwardly, half smiling. "Leonie?!" Josh grins. I smile and nod my head. Suddenly I'm being picked up and spun around. A laugh escapes my lips as I swat at his shoulder. "Put me down or I'll throw up on you!" I warn with a chuckle. Josh finally sets me back on my feet. "Damn, it's so good to see you again! I've missed you!" He grins. I smile and shake my head. "Well I haven't missed you." I grin jokingly, sticking my tongue out at him. "Excuse me! I'm still here you know!" Tobi laughs from beside Josh. I giggle and pull him in for a quick hug. "I missed Tobi though." I smirk, shooting Josh a playful look. He pouts at me but before he can say anything I hear "THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED BITCHES!" From behind me. Laughing, I turn around to face Ally and find Kim stood next to her smiling, looking just as nervous as I had initially felt. We all hug it out and sit down on the little bank next to the tree in a line, watching the sun go behind the clouds before reappearing again. We spend hours catching up on the past 5 years of our lives. Kim is engaged, she invited us to the wedding which is next summer. Of course we all agreed to go. She's also a very respected lawyer now. Apparently she's very good at her job and hasn't lost a case since she initially started out. Ally is still her crazy party animal self. Still single unsurprisingly. She's a fashion designer now actually. She isn't quite famous for her stuff yet but I know that she's going to be some day soon. She's good at what she does and she's very determined to do well. Tobi and Josh are the only ones who had kept in touch after school. Apparently they had moved to London with their friends that they met through their YouTube channels and were doing well. Josh almost has 1 million subscribers, so that's amazing! Neither Tobi nor Josh have a girlfriend yet. I explained that I am still single and living with a friend of mine that I'd met through my work. I'm a photographer and she'd hired me to take a few shots of her and her family at her sisters wedding. It's going quite well actually, my work is starting to get noticed a bit more recently. They'd all congratulated me and Josh asked to see some of my pictures. I pulled out my phone and showed him a few shots from my last job, landscape pictures for a magazine. "These are really good Leonie! I'm impressed." Josh smiled. I grinned at the compliment. "Thanks Josh!" I smile. "Hey, actually, me and the boys were thinking of maybe doing a photo shoot for our fans. Do you think you could be our photographer?" He asks. Tobi, who had obviously been listening in, quickly agrees with him. "Sure! When were you thinking about doing it?" I grin. He explained when and the sort of thing they were looking for and asked how much it would cost. "It's on the house! I haven't seen you guys in years so lets call it a gift." I shrug. But Josh keeps insisting that they pay me so I finally give in and give him a price. (A heavily discounted price but hey, he doesn't need to know that.) eventually it starts to get dark and we decide to call it a day. We all exchange numbers again and promise that we'll keep in touch this time, since we're going to Kim's wedding next year and I'm doing a job for Josh and Tobi. We all go our separate ways at the entrance to the park, waving goodbye to each other. They haven't changed one bit. I'm going to miss them.

*4 months later in London*

I was down in London doing a couple of jobs, one for a wedding, one for another magazine and then the shoot I promised Josh and Tobi when we met up last time. I walked into the studio I had rented out for the day and set up my equipment while I waited for them to arrive. About half an hour later I hear load voices and laughing before the door flies open and 7 guys walk in. I grin at Josh and Tobi and they both return it with an equally big smile. "LEONIE! Oh how I've missed you! It's been torture without you!" Josh says over dramatically clutching at his heart. I laugh, walking over and smack him up side the head before pulling him in for a bear hug. "Missed you to Joshua!" I chuckle. "Why do you always forget my existence!" Tobi pouts. I laugh and hug him to. "I could never forget you Tobi, relax!" I chuckle. "Hey you never told us she was hot!" One of the other guys finally speaks up. "Hey back off Simon! You touch her, you die." Josh frowns. "Aww Josh is getting all protective!" Another one laughs. "Oh shut up Vikk." Josh laughs rolling his eyes. "Banter." I giggle shaking my head at their antics. After the introductions we get down to the photo shoot. Everything goes well and it's not long before I've finished taking all my serious pictures and they're just messing about laughing. I take the opportunity to take more photos of them while they are being more genuinely themselves and smile at the outcome. These photos are great! After we finish the lads ask me to join them for food, so naturally I agree. Josh grabs my arm before we leave and pulls me back. He scratches the back of his neck, looking down at the ground. "Hey Leonie, I was wondering if you'd maybe like to go out with me sometime?" He mumbles nervously. A grin slowly starts to appear on my face. "Like a date?" I ask. "Yeah, I mean, that's if you want to." He frowns. I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss him quickly. He freezes. "I'd love to." I smile, grabbing his hand and pulling him out the studio. I quickly glance over at him to see him grinning like and idiot and it makes my heart skip a beat. Josh asked me out. I've been waiting 5 years for this and I couldn't be happier!

(Authors notes: this one is for GOT_THE_BOOST! It's a little longer than usual so I hope you like it. Thanks for the support Leonie! If you want anything changing feel free to let me know. And I don't know if you're into photography but it fit well with this story, I hope that's ok? And yeah... C'ya!)

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