Kurt and Simon

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(This is for my bae/IRL best friend, we both thought this would be pretty darn interesting and funny to both write AND read so here we go. Also Kurt, since you didn't give me the photoshopped picture of you and Simon in time, you get this adorable picture instead. :P And to those who requested, personals will be resuming right after this. I just had to write it. xD)

Kurt's POV:

"OH COME ON! I SO hit you right then!" Simon rages as he loses to me at Mortal Kombat, AGAIN. I just laugh as he continues to complain and blame the game for his loss. Simon might be a gaming YouTuber, but his forte is more verging on the FIFA side of things. When it comes to games like Mortal Kombat, that's my area of expertise, not Simons. Everybody was lounging around watching the rounds unfold. Freezy, Ethan, Harry and Josh were playing a game of pool in the background. Tobi was sat on the other sofa with Lucy leaning against him, they were whispering quietly to themselves, smiling and laughing occasionally at something the other would say. Vikk was sat on the other side of Simon, cheering him on, while JJ sat on the floor in front of us cheering ME on.

*after all the rounds*

Needless to say, I won. Simon was sulking to himself and I couldn't help but laugh. "Such a sore loser." I grin, poking his side which made him jump and glare at me. "I lost by one round! ONE!" He glowers. "But you still lost. And now, you have to make good on the deal." I smirk. Oh that's right, Simon and I made a deal before we played. The loser had to have an ice bath. Oh yes, this should be fun.

We set up the ice bath and waited for Simon. Josh was filming it for him so he can upload it to his channel. We'd all crowded in and around the bathroom to get a good view of the show. Simon came hopping down the stairs in a pair of swim trunks and nothing else. "Dude, you should probably put on a shirt, I'm sure your fans really don't want to see that." I tease. Of course I don't ACTUALLY want him to put a shirt on, to be quite honest, I'm enjoying the view. He flips me the middle finger with a sarcastic smile on his face before turning to the bath. Lucy, who was stood leaning against Tobi's chest right next to the bath, chuckles. "Yeah good luck with that Simon, I just put my hand in and it's god awful." She grins. "Do I really have to do this?" He whines, turning to pout at me. I laugh and nod my head. "Yes, yes you do." I smile innocently. "Pleeeeaaase don't make me do this! I'll do anything else! Please I beg!" Simon frowns. I laugh and shake my head. "Tough shit, we made a deal." I insist. "You're so mean." He pouts. I just grin smugly at him. Hey, I mean I won fair and square, I'm aloud to be evil in my punishment choice right? Simon sighs and shakes his head before climbing into the bath tub. He makes a few inhuman noises (I don't know why, but that sounded really wrong in my mind. xD) before calming himself down and giving himself a pep talk. After he's done telling himself to man up he flops down into the bath fully with a loud yell. The rest of us are laughing at his pain and misfortune while he blabbers on about how unfair this is and how mean I am. "OH THE INJUSTICE!" He yells over dramatically. "How longs that been?!" He asks. "20 seconds, only 10 more to go!" Lucy laughs. "OH MY GOD THIS IS SO COLD! FUCK ME MAN I THINK IM GETTING HYPOTHERMIA!" He shrieks. By this point, the rest of us are doubled over laughing at him. "STOP BEING SUCH A PUSSY AND MAN UP MINTER!" Josh yells. "3, 2, 1! And your done!" Lucy exclaims. Simon immediately leaps up out of the bath. "I'm never doing that again! Holy shit that was horrible! Now Kurt! Come give me a hug." He smirks as he steps towards me wrapping his arms around me. "Oh shit you're freezing! Get off me!" I laugh. "NOOOO! Feel the cold!" He chuckles tightening his arms around me. If it weren't for the fact that my clothes were now soaking from his dripping where he's hugging me and I was now very very cold, I wouldn't have minded him hugging me like this. But I AM now wet and I AM now very cold, so I struggle in his grasp to escape. "Simoooon! Get offfff!" I groan. He laughs and finally lets me go, taking a step back. I look down at myself to see the front of my shirt now has a huge wet patch on it. "Great! And I don't have spare clothes here." I grumble, shooting Simon a playful glare. I'm really not bothered, the shirt will dry. "Oh relax, you can borrow one of mine." He chuckles, rolling his eyes. Suddenly I'm being pulled out of the room and up the stairs to Simons room. He drags me over to his wardrobe and pulls open the door with his free hand. (He still hasn't let go of my hand yet.) "Here." He smiles handing me one of his old BBK shirts. I gently pull my hand away from his and switch my wet shirt out for the new one. When I turn back around, Simon has just pulled on a pair of jogging bottoms and is in the process of pulling on a maroon coloured Sidemen sweatshirt. "Cute." I grin giving him a once over. He does the same. "I could say the same thing, what with you in my shirt and all." He smirks. I just laugh, thinking he's joking and shake my head. "No but serious, you actually look good in my shirt." He smiles. I just roll my eyes. I lean against the wardrobe while I wait for him to put his ring back on. I'm not really paying attention to anything really, I'm off in lala land thinking about, well, everything really. But when I feel something soft on my lips I'm dragged back to reality. The reality in which Simon is kissing me right now. What. The. Hell. I mean, hey I'm not complaining, I'm being kissed by a hot guy, I'm just confused since I thought Simon was straight. That doesn't stop me from kissing him back though. When we pull away I have to ask him why he did it. He just rolls his eyes. "God how are you so oblivious? I like you ya big idiot. I mean it's pretty darn obvious. Even Lucy has seen it." He shrugs trying to play it cool. "Oh, well I like you to. Wait... Lucy knew?! What a bitch! She could've told me!" I laugh. Simon just chuckles before kissing me again. Oh yes, I could get used to that. But now I'm going to have to think of a way to get Lucy back for not telling me... Hmm, I'll think of something, I have a pretty devious mind when I want to... But yes, back to Simon!

(Authors notes: Oh god this was so strange to write! xD it's so much different when you actually know the person! Kurt you better appreciate this! It was pretty awkward to write. xD Also I'm letting you have Simon just this once for this story. But bitch just remember he's mine, don't go getting any ideas or I might have to kill ya. ;) :P STILL LOVE YOU THOUGH BAE! Anyways yeah! I shall go back to writing the personal requests that I've received now. And c'ya! <3)

((Also while I'm thinking about it Kurt, please bare in mind it's 3:30am and I only had a total of 3 hours sleep last night and most of this was written right now. I think I'm developing Insomnia ;) HA! HA! Insomnia jokes since we're going to Insomnia in April! Lol I'm not even funny, I'm going to leave now. xD <3))

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