#3 Simon

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I was over at my best friends house while his roommates were out for the evening. It wasn't unusual for me to go to his house as often as I did. When we were kids, I'd practically lived in his house! So when he moved out to live with his friends, it was only natural that I followed him. I had my own apartment of course that I shared with a friend of mine who I also worked with. Simon had been the one to suggest I move to London so we could still be close to each other and of course I had agreed. I would follow Simon anywhere, after all he was my best friend and he had actually saved my life once or twice when I got particularly depressed. I owed him everything. That's why I hadn't even hesitated to agree to move to a completely new city on my own, with no job and where I didn't know anyone. It hadn't taken to long to find a job to be honest. I was quite lucky. And Beth and I (my friend/work mate) had hit it off right away and it had only taken 2 weeks after moving to London before Beth and I moved in together. It had now been 4 months since I moved and I still had yet to meet Simons friends. I was only ever round his house when his friends were out. I mean I didn't mind as such. I loved spending time together, just Simon and I, but it would be nice to meet his friends since I'd heard so much about them. Simon and I were currently lounging on his sofa. He was sat on one side while I was stretched out on the other with my legs on his lap. He was playing a game of FIFA while I scrolled through my phone. Simon said something but I ignored him and continued to scroll. "Hey are you listening to me?" Simon says exasperatedly. I glance up at him smiling as I shake my head. He pouts but I ignore him again, looking back at my phone screen. "Stop ignoring me! Pay attention to me please." He glowers. I smirk and just pretend to continue to scroll. "Fine, you asked for it!" He exclaims before he's leaning over me tickling me. I immediately scream and start laughing, wriggling to try to get him to stop. "Simon! Stop!" I manage to get out. He just laughs and carries on tickling me. What a meanie! We end up in a rather compromising position where I'm lying on the sofa (as I was before) only Simon had moved so he was now hovering over me, a leg on either side of my waist as his hands were beside my head propping himself up. He was still smiling as he looked down at me. In the position we were in right now, I couldn't help myself, my eyes were drawn to his lips and my breathing hitched in my throat. Because I was staring so intently at his lips, I saw him smirk and I new he had noticed my sudden change. My heartbeat picked up as he moved a hand to stroke some hair away from my face lightly. I finally managed to bring myself to look back to his eyes. He looked suddenly unsure of himself. He had no idea the extent of the effect he has on me. "Simon." I whispered. He smiled. "If you were planning to kiss me, please hurry up." I say breathlessly. He smirks again and then he starts leaning down towards me. This is it. He's going to kiss me! His lips are only millimetres away from mine when he whispers "you know you're kinda cute right?" I roll my eyes, suddenly impatient, and pull his head the last little distance so our lips connected and we were finally kissing. The kiss is hot and needy and so insanely amazing it has my head spinning. His right hand moves to my hip while his left intertwines in my hair. His right hand slowly starts to slide up my body, pulling my shirt up slightly so my stomach is exposed. Its getting pretty heated and to be honest i really dont mind. And then suddenly there is a cough from the door way. Simon pulls away and we both turn to look where the sound came from to see 6 guys stood there. Their facial expressions vary from surprise and shock to amusement. "Well then. What do we have here?" A tall guy with dark brown hair smirks, his arms folded. I look to Simon wide eyed. He groans and pulls himself up and away from me, holding out his hand to pull me up. I quickly pull my shirt back down and sit up. "Lucy this is the Sidemen. That's Josh, Ethan, Tobi, Vikk, Harry and JJ. Boys this is Lucy. My best friend." Simon sighs. "BEST FRIEND MY ARSE! Friends with benefits more like." I think it was JJ grins. "FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY!" Harry yells. Oh great, the first time I've met Simons friends and they already think we're fucking. Brilliant first impression. "Actually Lucy I wanted to ask you something." Simon says twiddling his thumbs looking slightly nervous. "Sure. Ask me anything." I smile. "Erm, would you, perhaps, maybe want to go on a date? With me?" He says in a rush. I grin at him and shrug my shoulders. "Sure why not." I chuckle. He sighs with relief. "AY GET IN THERE MATE!" JJ yells making everybody laugh. Yeah I think I'm going to like these guys.

(Authors notes: I know it's pretty shit and it's not a request but I started it a while ago and wanted to finish it before starting the requests. I will admit it's not my greatest since I didn't have much inspiration for this one but I promise the others will be better. And yeah requests are still open so if you want a particular ship and/or a personal one shot feel free to let me know in the comments. :D)

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