Shannon and Vikk

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(For nosh_is_real, also ooooh a video instead of a picture? It fits the theme of this one shot perfectly though. :P)

'Thank you Harry for introducing me to your friends!' I remember thinking that the day I met them all... Simply because I had an instant crush on one of his friends. Vikk. I mean how could I not? He's so cute and so sweet and ugh! He's just adorable! And look at us now, in a relationship for 6 months and still going stronger each day. I didn't think it was possible to love another person as much as I love Vikk. "Hey airhead?! Concentrate! You have to concentrate to be able to play the piano!" Vikk teases as he taps the side of my head, drawing me out of my memories. I roll my eyes and grin at him before turning my attention back to my fingers on the keys. He was trying to teach me how to play piano at my own request but I was failing miserably. I just couldn't seem to get the hang of it and it was stressing me out. I really wanted to learn to play. I'd sat on Vikk's bed listening to him play many times and thought how beautiful it sounded and really wanted to be able to mimic him and create a beautiful tune at my own fingertips. But unfortunately for me I just couldn't get the hang of it and when I play it just sounds like a 3 year old is slamming their hands on the keys randomly multiple times in a row. Vikk was trying to tell me something but I had spaced out again. I was thinking about the day before Vikk asked me out. The boys had all gone out shopping. Simon had said something about Ethan wanting a new pair of nikes to add to his ever expanding collection but I wasn't really listening. To be honest I didn't really care, I was just happy to have the house to myself for a while. At least I thought I had the place to myself for a while. I guess Simon had told me when I wasn't listening because I had no idea that Vikk was still in his room. So when the boys had left and I put my music on really loud and started singing and dancing along I thought that nobody would see me. Boy was I wrong. I heard chuckling from the door and turned around to see Vikk leaning against the doorframe with a raised eyebrow and a huge smirk on his face. Vikk told me after we got together that that had been the moment he realised he was falling in love with me. Suddenly I'm pulled out of my revelry again by a jab to my side. I squeak and shoot him a glare. I'm very ticklish, if you even touch my side I will laugh. Vikk grins and I can tell what he's about to do so I immediately jump up off of the stool I was sat on and run to the opposite end of the room laughing. "Don't you dare Vikk!" I laugh as he chases me. He quickly catches me and pushes me back onto the bed as he attempts to tickle me. I'm desperately trying to fight him off, almost crying with laughter as we wrestle around, him trying to tickle me, me trying to defend myself. Suddenly the door flies open and my brother walks in. "Ugh! I so do not need to see this!" Harry groans dramatically before turning on his heels and walking back out again. Vikk and I turn to look at each other and burst out laughing. Vikk collapses onto the bed beside me as we both breath heavily trying to calm down now. "I love you so much Shannon." Vikk smiles at me. I grin and give him a quick kiss mumbling out a quick "I love you to Vikky."

(Authors notes: hope you enjoyed! Shannon if you want anything changing just let me know! And c'ya! <3)

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