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So firstly I want to say a HUGE thank you for over 10k views! Holy shit that's insane! You guys are awesome, I love you guys! <3

Anyways onto actual update things. So I'm going to Insomnia54 on Friday! Yay! I'll finally get to meet Simon! :D But that will also mean that the next one shot I post won't be at least until next Monday I would say. I have a very busy week since tomorrow I'm spending the day with my two best friends and then on Wednesday I go to the mental health ambassador group that I volunteer with, Thursday is my free day. Plus I54 on Friday, then Saturday I'll I have the post convention blues and then Sunday to recover. So yeah, probably won't be updating for at least a week, sorry about that! But YAY! Insomnia! Let me know if any of you guys are going, I'm interested to know. :P and yeah! Just wanted to thank you all again for the amazing feedback every chapter and, once again, for over 10k views. I wasn't even expecting to hit 100 so to have hit such a milestone is incredible for me. So thanks again! And I shall be back next week hopefully with the next one shot! Peace out guys! <3

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