#1 MiniZerkaa

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(Just quickly want to say that this is just a test to see how well these one shots will be received. This wasn't from a request, however if this goes down well I will definitely start taking requests. :D also bare in mind that it's currently 6:20am here when i start writing this and I haven't been to sleep yet so it may not be the best. :P)

Simons POV:

It had been almost a week since I'd last seen Josh. He'd gone home for the week for some family members wedding or something. I hadn't really paid attention to the details to be honest. I was to busy thinking about the prospect of an entire week without my boyfriend. I'm not going to lie I may have become a little clingy and whiny when he first told me about leaving, and I'm slightly ashamed of that. It's just that I'd never been more than 2 days without Josh since we officially got together. And I missed him. So I waited, sat on the stairs, for Josh to return home. The front door finally opened and I immediately stood up. The second Josh walked through the door, his suitcase in hand, I flung myself at him, my arms going around his shoulders, enveloping him in a giant bear hug. The force of my body hitting his so suddenly almost knocks us off our feet, but we quickly regain our balance and Josh lets go of his case laughing. He wraps his arms around my waist, returning the hug. "I missed you to Simon!" He chuckles as he nuzzles his face into my neck. "Jeez, get a room!" Vikk laughs from the entrance to the kitchen. He'd obviously emerged to see what the commotion was about. I stick my tongue out at Vikk and flip him the middle finger which only succeeds in making him laugh more. "Come on Josh, I'll help you unpack." I suggest, reaching over and grabbing his suitcase. "Sure. Unpack." Vikk smirks, obviously insinuating that we'd get up to something physical that DOESN'T involve unpacking his suitcase. I just roll my eyes, grab Josh's hand with my free hand and start to lead him upstairs, still carrying his suitcase for him. We get to Josh's room and spend the next 15 minutes having a catch up while I help him sort through his things and put them away. Josh yawns all of a sudden and I can't help but grin at how adorable he just looked. Not that he isn't always adorable, because he is, but you get what I mean. "You tired babe?" I smile. He nods his head, a slightly embarrassed smile on his gorgeous face. "Kinda. I was driving for like 8 or 9 hours or something ridiculous like that." He pouts. Aww he's so fucking cute! The wedding was somewhere in France incase you were wondering, that's why it took so long to drive. "Aww my poor baby! Come on then, lets get you to bed!" I grin. Josh just smiles and shakes his head, knowing I'm just messing about and being sarcastic now. "No but seriously. Lets get changed and go to bed. Might as well, it's 9:30pm right now. We can maybe have an early night and get back onto a normal sleep schedule!" I exclaim happily. Josh nods and then we both strip down to our boxers before climbing into Josh's bed. Yes we both sleep in only our boxers! Shush... I pull Josh towards me and snuggle into him contentedly. God I'd missed him! "Love you Simon." He whispers tiredly. "Love you to Joshua." I smile. I gently start to play with the ends of his hair since I know how much he loves it when I do that and how much it relaxes him. And not even a minute later I hear the soft sounds of his breathing as it evens out and he falls asleep. After a week without him, I finally had my boyfriend back. And right now I couldn't be happier.

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