Im sorry!

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Hey guys, I'm really really sorry but I'm going to be leaving Wattpad for a while! I'm not going to be gone forever, I can promise you that, I love writing to much to leave it forever. But I'm just really struggling to come up with new things and keep it up to the quality I want all my stories to be. Plus I'm just starting to get really busy, I've just started a 10 week collage course which will lead on to Accounting. (Boring I know) And then on top of that I'm running a training day for GP's in Sheffield on the 12th of May for my voluntary group. So far we have almost 60 Sheffield GP's signed onto the course. To say I'm absolutely shitting it is an understatement. So yeah, very busy getting all that sorted, plus my collage course and I'm just really stressed and panicky and trying to write GOOD stories while stressed... Doesn't really work for me. To anybody that requested and I accepted requests from, I promise that when I come back they are my top priority and WILL get done as soon as I return. I promise. <3 For those who recently requested and I hadn't yet gotten back to about it, I apologise but I won't be taking any more requests. I'll probably be gone for a few weeks until at least after the GP workshop on the 12th of May. I may come back straight away after that but I'm not promising a date for my return yet. Like I said, it shouldn't be to long, a month at most I would say. You guys can't get rid of me yet. ;) and yeah... C'ya for now! <3 (ALSO! Thank you guys for over 10K reads! You guys are awesome. :) <3)

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