#6 Jesika & Simon *UPDATED!

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*1 year ago*

I was back to being on my own again. My best friend Simon had decided to up and leave me here all on my own to go live with a few of his YouTube friends in London. Of course I had other friends but no one compared to my BEST friend. Simon had been my rock for as long as I can remember. He'd always been there for me, and in return I was always there for him. Together we were unstoppable. I remember as kids we'd get into so much trouble in some way or another. I'd always manage to get out of it by playing the "sweet innocent little girl" card, since I have always been tiny. Literally I'm just a little over 5ft. Anyway, yes, I always got away with everything and poor old Simon got all the blame. He'd only been gone a week and I already missed him like crazy. He hadn't texted me apart from the initial "arrived safe. X" message I got the day he left. I really don't know what I'm going to do without him.

*6months after Simon left*

It's been six months and I haven't heard a word from him. I had tried to message him but he never replied. I hadn't quite been the same without him. I was like a half a person. He was my other half. And he'd left me. I was still sad and I still couldn't help but hope that one day he would randomly text me and explain everything. But he never did.

*another 6 months later, present day*

I was living in London now. My parents had managed to get a great job opportunity down here about 2 months ago. I'd already made some awesome new friends. My best friend was called Vikk. He's so lovely. I'd kind of given up on Simon getting back in contact with me and I had accepted it now. Besides I loved Vikk just as much as I had Simon, only I love Vikk as more of a brother than anything. He kept telling me about these friends he had that he lives with and records with. Coincidentally Vikk is also a YouTuber. I'd heard so much about how crazy and hilarious and awesome his friends were but I had yet to meet them. He had invited me round to his place today actually to meet a few of them. He'd told me that there were only 4 of them living in the house but there were 7 of them in total. Apparently he'd asked them all to be there so I could meet them. I'm not going to lie, I was seriously nervous. I mean of course I'm nervous I'm about to meet 6 guys who are my best friends best mates. Vikk had picked me up from my house 20 minutes ago and we were just pulling up in front of quite a big house. I didn't have time to stop and admire it because as soon as I was out the car Vikk grabbed my hand and led me inside. "Guys I'm back!" He yelled. "In the living room!" Someone yells back. Vikk smiles and pulls me through the house until we emerge in the living room where 5 guys are sat. Wait 5? I thought there were 6? "Jesika, this is JJ, Harry, Josh, Tobi and Ethan. Guys, this is my best friend Jesika. Hey where's Simon?" Vikk asks confused. My breath catches in my throat for a second before I dismiss the idea that he's talking about my Simon. "He went to the loo. Should be here any second." I think his name was Josh said. And then I hear footsteps behind me. Vikk turns around and smiles. "Here he is! Simon this is my best friend Jesika, Jesika this is Simon." Vikk grins. I turn around and my breathing stops momentarily. Oh. My. God. Simon. It's my Simon. "Jesika?" He whispers wide eyed. "Simon." I breath. And then he's running at me. He wraps me up in a big bear hug and spins me around. "Holy shit it's really you!" He exclaims with a disbelieving laugh. "No! Holy shit it's you! What the hell man! You move away, text me once and then ignore me for a year and expect me to forgive you just like that?!" I say angrily. He looks down at me guiltily. "I'm sorry! I tried Facebook messaging you but it didn't go through! I got a new phone and lost your number so I couldn't text you. What happened to your Facebook anyway?" He asks slightly concerned. I laugh. "I was messing with you Simon! You already know I'd forgive you for anything! You could kill someone and I would only tell you off before forgiving you and helping you hide the body!" I grin. Simon lets out a relieved chuckle. "You haven't changed a bit, have you?" He smiles. I grin and shake my head. "And I don't have Facebook anymore. My parents got rid of the Internet not long after you left." I pout. I hear gasps in the room. "How can you live with no Internet?!" I think it was JJ says over dramatically. I laugh. "I like how you don't say anything about how me and Simon know each other but as soon as I say I have no Internet you speak up." I grin. That makes everybody laugh. "So this is your Simon huh? Well I've got to say, I wasn't expecting that." Vikk smiles shaking his head. I giggle and pull Vikk in for a hug. "Don't worry bestie! Simon isn't going to come in and steal me off you! I love you both equally!" I exclaim. "Wait... YOUR Simon?" Simon smirks at me. I blush slightly and frown. He laughs and wraps his arm around my waist, planting a kiss on my forehead "That's fine because you're MY Jesika." He smiles. I chuckle and playfully punch his shoulder. "Ah how I've missed you beating me up every time I attempt to flirt with you!" Simon smirks. I blush a darker red and shoot him a glare. "Oh shut it Minter!" I grin. He laughs. "no but seriously, i've really missed you Jesika." he frowns. I smile and nod my head in agreement. "Missed you to Minter." I grin. Before i know whats happening, Simon is leaning down and kissing me. "AYY GET IN THERE SIMON!" JJ yells making everyone laugh. When he pulls away we're both smiling and I'm pretty sure I'm blushing like crazy right now. "No, I mean I MISSED you Jesika. I've wanted to do that since before I left but I didn't have the guts to do it. And then when I thought I would never see you again it became my biggest regret that I hadn't. I love you Jesika." I whispers, his forehead resting against mine. I can't help but grin. "I love you to Simon." I smile before leaning the short distance to kiss him again. I can feel him smiling when I do. "AWW! So cute!" Ethan chuckles. "Ugh! Get a room!" Harry groans pretending to be sick. I pull away and laugh. "I can see why you're both friends with these people. They're just as crazy as you both." I smirk sticking my tongue out at Vikk and Simon. Everyone laughs. Simon shakes his head smiling before giving me another gentle peck on the lips. Yeah I could get used to this! I finally have my Simon back and he also happens to be friends with my best friend so I can see them both all the time now... And who knows what the future could hold for us all!

(Authors notes: so this one is for Misteryace21! Thanks for the support so far Jesika! I hope you like it. I know this one isn't quite my usual style but I don't know, I really like it! This is updated so yeah hope it's a little better! C'ya!)

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