#10 Tami & Josh

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It was raining incredibly hard right now and Josh and I were getting soaked to the skin as we rand through the streets to get home. We'd been out shopping all day and hadn't noticed when the clouds started turning grey, so when we came out of Nando's and it was absolutely chucking it down it had caught us by surprise. Neither of us had an umbrella, after all it had been really sunny earlier, so we both just looked at each other. "You wanna wait it out?" Josh asked. I hesitate to think about it but shake my head. Nobody is around, the streets are deserted, there are barely even any cars and it might be fun to just run in the rain. "Lets just go! We'll get soaked but who gives a shit really?" I grin. Josh smiles and shakes his head. "You're crazy you know that Tami?" He says affectionately. I laugh and nod my head. "So I've been told! Now come on Zerker! After all, Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain!" I grin. Josh laughs, grabs my hand and then makes a dash out onto the pavement, pulling us both from under the safety of the shop fronts. I squeal as the rain pounds down on us and laugh as we both run down the street towards home. When we reach our road we both slow down slightly. I pull my hand away from Josh's, lift my face up to the sky and spin around laughing. I don't think I've ever deliberately gone outside when it's raining. Rain is seriously under appreciated. It can be so amazing and quite soothing. Plus everybody else is inside sheltering from it so you pretty much have the entire town to yourself. Josh stops me from spinning, catching both my hands as he smiles down at me. "If life is about learning to dance in the rain, then lets dance Tami." He smiles. I pull a face. "Are you asking me to dance, in the middle of the street, in the pouring down rain Joshua?" I ask. He nods. "Sure! Lets dance!" I chuckle. He pulls me towards him and we start to dance really badly in the middle of the street. We're both laughing at how terrible we're dancing, it's honestly really funny. We finally stop dancing and Josh looks down at me with a content smile on his face. "You're the craziest person I've ever met Tami and I love that about you. You make me do the most random and strange things that no normal human would do, like walk home in the pissing it down rain. You make my life so much more interesting Tami and I feel so lucky to have you. I love you so much." He smiles. I grin and lean up to kiss him. He kisses me back instantly. We pull away a moment later. "As cheesy and cliche as this moment is Joshua, I love you to." I grin. He chuckles and leans down to kiss me again. This moment could not get any more perfect.

(Authors notes: so this is the final personal request I will be taking for a little while for TamiiiJ17! Appreciating all the support from everyone and hope you guys enjoy! Tami, if you want anything changing feel free to let me know and I'll try and do it. I AM still taking ship requests so if you want me to write a one shot for a specific ship let me know in the comments and I'll try and do that. I plan on doing another MiniZerkaa one next but if you want me to do something else let me know. And, c'ya!)

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